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Home » October, 2005 You are currently browsing entries posted in: October, 2005

Families of victims organise against drunk driving

It’s Belize’s number one cause of death, so I must be talking about heart disease, right? No. Cancer? Uh uh. Diabetes? Try again… Aha you say, must be murder. Nope… It’s traffic accidents that kill more Belizeans than any other single cause. And far too many of those fatal–and non fatal–collisions are rooted in drunks […]

Police officer convicted of rape

The verdict is in and Crispin Jeffries Junior has been found guilty of rape. The thirty year old police officer, son of Assistant Commissioner Crispin Jeffries Senior, was unanimously convicted this afternoon by a jury of seven men and two women in the courtroom of Justice Adolph Lucas. Testimony during the trial indicated that following […]

Accused arsonist may be incompetent to stand trial

In other news from the Supreme Court, the trial of an accused arsonist was interrupted when a psychiatrist testified that the defendant was incompetent to face the charges. Dr. Roy Lopez of the Ministry of Health told the court that Mark Garnett does not have the intellect to follow the evidence at his trial and […]

Unionised B.T.L. workers begin industrial action

Members of the Belize Communication Workers Union have decided to take industrial action to express their displeasure over what it calls the lack of commitment by B.T.L.’s Board of Directors to facilitate their purchase of a twenty percent stake in the company. According to a union press release, members have instituted a “work to rule” […]

Banana growers lobby for better deal from E.U., W.T.O.

Belizean negotiators continue to lobby for a better deal for the nation’s banana growers. The European Union has submitted a new proposal to the World Trade Organization which calls for a reduced tariff for non-A.C.P. producers of one hundred and eighty-seven Euros per ton and an annual A.C.P. quota of seven hundred and seventy-five thousand […]

Biggest group of graduates returns from Cuba

For several decades we have seen a steady stream of Belizean students head off to Cuba for courses of professional study that are known to be long and rigorous. Now, in ever increasing numbers, these scholars are returning home. Today, the latest batch of graduates were honoured for their achievements. Janelle Chanona, Reporting During brief […]

Whale sharks becoming major attraction for tourists, scientists

Whale Sharks: these difficult to find giants are increasingly becoming the target of both scientific and touristic interest. And guess what? Belize has one of world’s most dependable sites for viewing these biggest of fish. In 1999, long before whale shark watching became fashionable, News Five’s Stewart Krohn travelled with a group of divers to […]