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Home » October, 2005 You are currently browsing entries posted in: October, 2005

D.F.C. Inquiry reveals conflicts of interest, other discrepancies

When we last heard from the commission of inquiry investigating the Development Finance Corporation in June, they had just cleared a major legal hurdle in the Supreme Court: getting access to key financial documents. Since then, the three-person team has been wading through mounds of paperwork, scrutinizing files for the forty largest loans, board papers […]

Abuse victims fight back with police reports/courts

If it seems like there are more cases of domestic violence and abuse than ever before, you are right. But there are also more spouses fighting back against their abusers and a tougher crack down on those who violate restraining orders. News Five’s Jacqueline Woods investigated one such case today and spoke with the Women’s […]

Woman kidnapped by ex and his friends

And in another similar case, three people accused of kidnapping the ex-girlfriend of one of the men and robbing her, appeared before Magistrate Margaret McKenzie today. The trio, Anthony Gabourel, Eldon Bevans, and Kimberly Brown, were arrested following a report by nineteen year old Emily Rhaburn. She told police that on the night of October […]

Neighbourhood watch conference focuses on success

This weekend law enforcement officials and community leaders will converge in the capital city as part of the second annual Neighbourhood Watch Conference. Organised by executives of the Ministry of Home Affairs and members of the Belize Police Department, the strategy this year is to promote neighbourhood watch groups through success stories. It is hoped […]

Workshop seeks faith-based approach to fighting HIV stigma

With the widely available information on HIV/AIDS in our region, it’s hard to imagine that some people still react with fear, even hatred against people diagnosed with the virus. But it happens… and more frequently than we imagine. What can be done? Well some believe that the way to change people’s attitudes is by going […]

Garden show promotes Belizean green thumbs

It was postponed due to the threat of bad weather two weeks ago, but organisers say nothing short of a hurricane will stop the Fourteenth Annual Plant and Flower Show this weekend. The gardening showcase has a new venue and theme this year. News Five spoke with two of the club’s most enthusiastic members about […]