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Home » October, 2005 You are currently browsing entries posted in: October, 2005

Divemaster deflects blame for death

The survivors of a disaster at sea off the coast of southern Belize continue to recuperate from the traumatic experience. All three of the SCUBA divers have now been released from the hospital and are under private medical care at a local hotel. We understand tonight that as soon as they are well enough to […]

Infant killed in truck collision

A baby girl was killed and several people injured when two trucks collided on the Blue Creek Road Wednesday morning in the Orange Walk District. Carlos Estrada Pinta of Peten, Guatemala, told police his Toyota Hilux crashed head-on into a red pickup being driven by Darwin Hernandez. Four month old Maribel Hernandez, who was not […]

Another vendor robbed at gunpoint near market

Yet another vendor has been held up at the Queen Square Market. William Garcia told police he was taking pineapples out of his pickup truck on Monday night when a man pointed a handgun at his face and robbed him of nine dollars. Police say they are doing what they can to stop the recent […]

Teacher acquitted of student sex charges

A high school teacher who was accused of three counts of carnal knowledge seventeen months ago was acquitted today in the Supreme Court. An eight-woman, one-man jury found Norman Rodriguez not guilty after the teen, who was fourteen at the time of the alleged incidents, gave conflicting testimony. At one point the minor could not […]

Molester fined for fondling child

A child molester who was caught in the act was today given a fine instead of time in prison. Gregorio Cacho was found guilty of aggravated assault in Magistrate’ Court and fined one thousand dollars. Several witnesses testified against him including a twenty-three year old woman who said she went to the victim’s home to […]

Exhibitionist charged for revealing himself

It’s something women walking through any town in Belize may have to contend with: men using obscene language and even gestures. But what many people do not know is that both acts are not only annoyances, they are criminal offences. On Sunday, Carlos Sandoval was picked up by police in Trial Farm Village and charged […]

Police hold drama night to raise funds

Most of the time the public meets police officers when they are on duty, but this Friday night you can see another side to the men and women who have sworn to serve when they take to the stage. The “Night of Drama” at the Bliss Centre for the Performing Arts will feature skits and […]

Another setback for Belizean bananas

Belizean and Caribbean banana growers suffered another setback today as the World Trade Organization has ruled against the revised tariff proposed by the European Union on Latin American bananas. The W.T.O. said that the tariff of one hundred and eighty-seven Euros per ton was still too high to allow fair competition from South and Central […]

Belize City women claim prize on Oprah

Two Belizean women are tonight fifty thousand U.S. dollars richer after American talk show host Oprah Winfrey rewarded them for turning in an accused child molester who fled to Belize. Patricia Waight and Thelma Palacio appeared live on Oprah today to collect their money. Channel Five will be airing the show tonight at eight, but […]

Boy returns home after successful heart surgery

These days the news is often filled with tragedy, but today we are pleased to bring you a story with a happy ending… And one instance in which the words “Gift of Life” could not be more appropriate. Jacqueline Woods reports. Jacqueline Woods, Reporting It is hard to imagine that the young boy you see […]