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Home » April, 2009 You are currently browsing entries posted in: April, 2009

Declaration signed at summit in Port of Spain

After years of preparations and negotiations, the Fifth Summit of the Americas, concluded in Port of Spain, Trinidad with a consensus document adopted in an atmosphere of cooperation that had not been experienced among the thirty-four leaders of the hemisphere in the recent past. The summit focused on critical issues such as trade, the war […]

President Obama pledges $30 million to combat drug-trafficking

Even before the summit, the Obama administration announced a lifting of restrictions on Cuban American visits to Cuba and the amount of remittances by family members to the island. Before Air Force One landed in Trinidad, Obama stopped over in Mexico. He had a wide range of discussions with Mexican President Felipe Calderon, but the […]

Trinidad shows another side during Summit

We reported earlier in the newscast on the Summit declaration. And while it was a serious and enlightening experience for all who attended, it was not all business and some of the events that made it into the spotlight were not intended. Jose Sanchez Reports. Jose Sanchez Reporting Present at the summit were all the […]

Fuel prices at the pump go up once again

If you have been to the gas stations you would have felt another pinch in your pocket with the second increase in the price of fuel at the pump for this month. Only three weeks ago, on April first, the price of fuel was raised by a dollar and thirty-five cents. And since that had […]

SATIIM angry over seismic testing in national park

There are harsh words coming tonight from the Sarstoon Temash Institute for Indigenous Management. It is over a decision by the Forest Department to grant permission to U.S. Capital Energy, a private oil company, to enter the Sarstoon Temash National Park and conduct seismic testing. SATIIM says that while it manages the National Park, it […]

Belmopan businesswoman disappears

There are a few homicides that Belmopan Police have been unable to solve, including the March thirteenth murder of twelve year old Saida Noemi Godoy Veliz of Frank’s Eddy Village and the slaying of Police Constable, Weiner Denis on March twenty-sixth. Now there is a new case to add to the growing list: it involves […]

Special constable remains prime suspect in child’s murder

While they have not yet made any major breakthroughs in the murder of little Saida Noemi Godoy Veliz, Belmopan police are one step closer to solving that puzzle. Today News Five confirmed that police have statements from a few residents of Frank’s Eddy village, the place where Saida lived and attended school. Those statements are […]

Electrician charged for knocking down wife

In court news, an electrician who allegedly knocked down his wife won’t go home to her tonight. Fifty-four year old Rudolph Dawson, also known as “Acid”, was charged today with Attempted Murder, Harm and Aggravated Assault. Magistrate Sharon Fraser did not take a plea because the case may go to the Supreme Court and she […]

Construction worker charged with carnal knowledge

A Burrell Boom construction worker is behind bars tonight on charges of Unlawful Carnal Knowledge and Grievous Harm. Thirty-four year old Secundino Cho was accused of having sex with a thirteen year old girl and when he appeared before Chief Magistrate Margaret McKenzie today, no plea was taken from him and he was remanded until […]

Suspect charged in King’s Music robbery

Also in court today, twenty-eight year old Chadrick Chatam was charged for holding up King’s Music last Friday night. Chatam pleaded not guilty but could not be offered bail and was remanded into custody until May twentieth. The store’s manager, forty-six year old Maria Lisbey, reported that she was at King’s Music along with the […]

Tourism stakeholders unhappy with new bus regulation

We reported April first that Cabinet had approved regulatory measures for tourism buses coming in from Mexico and Guatemala. The regulations came into effect today and are already presenting new problems to the tourism industry. The measures were designed to regulate the runs by Linea Dorado and San Juan buses entering Belize at the northern […]

Audubon holds 40th A.G.M at Cockscomb

The fortieth Annual General Meeting of the Belize Audubon Society was held this past Saturday at the Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary. Two hundred members from across the country attended and elected a new Board of Directors for the fiscal year. The meeting was also used to emphasize recent achievements and the strategic plan the organization […]

James Adderly has the weekend in sport

Good evening, I’m James Adderley, welcoming you to this week’s serving of Sports Monday. The 2009 Belize Premier Football League competition kicked off over the weekend with five matches nationwide. Here in Belize City, F.C. Belize hosted the new and improved Suga Boys Juventus of O.W. inside the M.C.C. Grounds. Early in the ballgame, the […]