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Home » April, 2009 You are currently browsing entries posted in: April, 2009

Sharon Matola denies responsibility for clearing at Victoria Peak

The clearing of a portion of the summit on the Natural Monument, Victoria Peak has caused public outrage and tonight denials are coming fast and furious. News Five broke the story last night following an investigation by the Belize Audubon Society revealed that the unique vegetation had been cut to accommodate a planned chopper visit […]

Natural Resources to meet SATIIM over TEMASH Natl Park

Last Friday, the Sarstoon Temash Institute for Indigenous Management, SATIIM, protested G.O.B.’s decision to grant U.S. Capital Energy permission to conduct seismic testing in the Sarstoon Temash National Park without consulting them. SATIIM has since received a letter from the Ministry informing them that the co-managing role they played over the park expired in 2008 […]

An Environmental Award…but legislation not yet passed

It’s a case of putting the cart before the horse. We refer to the folks at the Belize Tourism Board who held their ninth annual National Tourism Awards on Wednesday at Old Belize. The much publicized event was held with plenty fanfare and the big deal were the awards to “Key tourism pioneers.” But someone […]

“Pink Eye” outbreak reported

There is an outbreak of viral conjunctivitis, or as it is commonly known, pink eye. Ophthalmologist, Dr. Amin Hegar, told News Five that he has been seeing a growing number of patients infected with pink eye over the past two weeks. The infection is usually caused by bacteria coming in direct contact with the eyes, […]

Businesswoman still missing, $10,000 reward offered

There are still no leads in the disappearance of sixty-eight year old Rosa Christina Cornejo, but tonight family members are offering a reward for information leading to her safe return. The businesswoman of Calle Las Americas in Belmopan went missing between Friday and Saturday of last week. On Tuesday, one of Cornejo’s Children from El […]

Former P.M. Esquivel out of the woods

Three weeks after Government advisor and former P.M., Manuel Esquivel was injured in a traffic mishap on the Western Highway, his medical condition is said to be improving. His daughter, City Councillor Laura Esquivel, says while the former Prime Minister remains under close monitor, he should be up and around soon. Laura Esquivel, Daughter of […]

Three charged for carnal knowledge in Toledo villages

And in the south, three individuals have been charged with the sexual abuse of two fifteen year old girls. In the first case, twenty-one year old Weston Caliz and thirty-five year old Glenmore Parham were arrested and charged by the Toledo Police for Unlawful Carnal Knowledge. The incident involved a fifteen year old minor of […]

UNICEF focusing on malnutrition among children

Belize was the fifth country in the world to ratify the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1990. Protecting the rights of children and meeting the goals of the convention have been top on the agenda for the United Nation’s Children’s Fund in Belize. UNICEF is now in phase three of a […]

April the Tapir reaches another milestone

They are the five national symbols of Belize: the national flag, mahogany tree, keel-billed toucan, black orchid, and the tapir. And all eyes are on the famous tapir, April, who turned twenty-six today. The mountain cow’s maternal clock is ticking away and this has become a concern for officials at the Belize Zoo. News Five’s […]

Graduation season kicks off at Kolbe

Graduation ceremonies for schools are coming up in the weeks ahead, but at the Ashcroft Rehabilitation Centre at Hattieville, a group of inmates had an early graduation. The seventy-two inmates received certificates for completing the rehabilitation program offered by the Kolbe Foundation. Duane Moody was on hand for the ceremonies. Duane Moody, Reporting At every […]

Clarification Of Eric Swan picture

On Wednesday February fourth, 2009, News Five reported on a triple murder in San Pedro linked to a drug deal gone bad. In that newscast we reported that one of the persons involved and later shot by police was Eric Swan. While this information was correct, News Five displayed a photograph of another Eric Swan […]

Exclusive Fifth Summit Flashback on Sunday

And in respect of our programming for this weekend, do not miss Master’s of the Floor on Saturday at three live on this station or join us at our Church Street Yaad for all the action. And on Sunday at nine in the morning, Channel Five will be airing an exclusive forty-five minute wrap up […]

Saffiyah has weekend blotter

Thank God it’s Friday and if you’re looking for a fun weekend ahead, Saffiyah has suggestions for you. Hey I’m Safiyyah and this is What’s happening Belize? If you’d like an early start on Saturday then you can join in with the Belize Audubon Society as they celebrate Earth Day with their Walk for a […]