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Home » April, 2009 You are currently browsing entries posted in: April, 2009

Tree line at Victoria Peak partially cleared…

Victoria Peak stands majestically proud at three thousand six hundred and seventy-five feet. Hidden deep in the Maya Mountains, the natural monument is the highest point in Belize. And tonight coming on the heels of Earth Day it has come to light, that major environmental damage has been done to the Peak. Earlier this month […]

N.G.O.’s fight govt to keep management contracts of parks

While Audubon is outraged over Victoria Peak, APAMO is equally incensed over seismic testing in another national park. This has to do with permission given by the Forest Department to U.S. Capital Energy Belize Limited to conduct seismic testing within the Sarstoon Temash National Park. That decision was fiercely resisted by Greg Ch’oc of SATIIM, […]

Prime Minster thoughtful about Earth Day

And while we reported earlier in the newscast about major environmental damages to two reserves, at Wednesday’s press conference, Prime Minister Dean Barrow was effusive of the bountiful flora of the country. This is what he had to say. Prime Minster Dean Barrow “I wanted to recognize Earth Day. I believe we all know that […]

Albert and Regent Street dug up again

In December of 2008, the Ministry of Works paved the Regent and Albert Streets with the hot mix, an expensive paving process which was expected to last almost a decade before any repairs would be needed. But by January of 2009, Belize Water Services Limited had to cut out a large piece of the costly […]

Body of drowning victim found

Since Monday, he plunged into the waters of the Belize River and in the wee hours of this morning, the body of forty-eight year old Desmond Kerr was retrieved from near the Haulover Bridge about a mile away from Bainton Bank. Around three-thirty this morning, members of the Coast Guard and police scouring the area […]

Businessman charged with handling stolen goods

A Chinese businessman appeared in court today accused of handling “hot stuff.” Jian Huan Jiang of Orange Street was busted on Wednesday with a Dell laptop belonging to Smart Belize Limited. Jiang pleaded not guilty to the charge of Handling Stolen Goods and was offered bail of four thousand dollars. He is scheduled to return […]

Two men charged with trafficking 2 pounds of cannabis

In more news from the courts, one of two prison officers finds himself tonight on the opposite side of prison bars. He was unable to meet bail for allegedly trying to smuggle about two pounds of cannabis into the prison. Twenty-nine year old Eloy Shedrack Martinez and thirty-nine year old Dehinde Fashanu were additionally charged […]

Squatter loses land and home

A Belize City family is homeless tonight and is urgent need of a place to shelter. For over ten years the Jones family cleared and built on a parcel of land at the end of Marcom Street in Port Loyola. Lennox Jones says he carved out his place with his own blood, sweat and tears […]

Pages of Book Week open today

International Book Reading and Copyright Day is being observed around the globe today. A UNESCO initiative, the day is set aside every year to promote reading, publishing and copyright. And with the increasing number of Belizean publications, a week of activities has been organized locally to mark the event. Activities began on Monday and this […]

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award program launched in Belize

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award program got off the ground today. It is aimed at character building for young adults, ages fourteen to twenty-five years old. The program was founded in 1956 by the Duke of Edinburgh in Britain and today, the award is a fixture in over a hundred and twenty countries. Visiting Regional […]

I.L.O. says poverty is caused of sexual exploitation

Results of a two and half year project point to poverty as the main indicator for the sexual exploitation of children and adolescence. This was revealed at a workshop at the Princess Hotel in Belize City by the I.L.O. and IPEC’s Sub-Regional Project on Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children. The pilot project started in December […]

Healthy Living explores how to cope with epileptic seizures

Epilepsy is a disorder that manifests itself through different type of seizures. It is treatable with prescribed medication and life style changes. Healthy Living this week talks to an expert about this neurological condition. Marleni Cuellar, Reporting Epilepsy is a common condition worldwide. Most commonly referred to in Belize as ‘fits’ due to the physical […]