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Home » April, 2009 You are currently browsing entries posted in: April, 2009

Nigerian National tortured to death in Taxi…

A Nigerian national who made his way to Belize looking for greener pastures met his death in a most horrific way. The man was two classes away from completing a nursing programme and had carved out plans for his immediate future, but before the Easter break was over, all that was shattered. Jose Sanchez reports […]

…And 53 year old murdered in Cayo

The other murder that occurred over the Easter weekend happened in the ordinarily serene lower Barton Creek area in the Cayo District where police discovered the body of one of its residents. Felix Cocom was viciously murdered, shot multiple times to the abdomen and chest. News Five traveled west to try to find out what […]

Two minors charged for murder of Honduran National

In an update to the Holy Thursday gruesome slaying of Honduran national, forty-five year old Rudolfo Villatoro, two male minors from Dangriga have been arrested and charged with Murder. Villatoro’s dismembered body was found in an abandoned outdoor latrine on Samwood Road behind Habet Hardware. He had reportedly been in the company of three persons, […]

Two drown at Honey Camp Lagoon in O.W.

And in the north, a three-day camping trip in the area of the Honey Camp Lagoon turned deadly for two persons, including a minor. The group started their well planned vacation on Saturday and on Sunday before they could conclude their holiday, tragedy struck as they headed by canoe to a nearby resort. Duane Moody […]

Highway accident injures family of 8

Tire blowouts have been attributed as the cause of recent traffic fatalities on the Northern Highway. And this past Monday morning eight persons survived what could have otherwise been another tragedy caused by a blowout. The three families were on their way home from an outing in neighbouring Chetumal when they experienced a blowout in […]

Police surveys reveal that there is too speeding

Still on the Northern Highway, the Orange Walk Police Department is meticulously trying to monitor the speed of drivers travelling through the area. And when we headed north, today, we detected two checkpoints at Carmelita Village at mile forty-eight and the other near mile forty-four on the highway where in recent days there have been […]

Garbage dump fire still burns

For days the Belize City garbage dump site on the Western Highway has been smoldering and the toxic smoke is affecting residents who live in the vicinity. The City Council with help from the Fire Department hoped it would have all been over by the end of the week, but there was another flare up […]

Murder suspect’s brother threatens victim’s mother

Moving to the courts, his brother was charged with the Murder of Aaron Brooks last week and today twenty-three year old Everal Gray was in court for threatening to kill Brook’s mother, Carolyn Leslie. Gray pleaded not guilty and is out on bail of two thousand five hundred dollars on the condition that he does […]

Adult and minor charged for attempted murder

Also in Magistrates’ Court, thirty-four year old Lance Welch and a seventeen year old minor were slapped with a number of charges in connection with a shooting on April sixth. No plea was taken from the duo for the charges of Attempted Murder and two counts each of Use of Deadly Means of Harm, Aggravated […]

4 charged for robbery at K.K. Grocery

4 charged for robbery at K.K. Grocery And while eighteen year old Keon Francis was the target in that shooting, he is one of four persons behind bars tonight for the Robbery of K.K. Grocery, which occurred on April eighth. Francis, twenty-three year old Ryan Felix, twenty-one year old Cruz Allen and twenty-two year old […]

Sunday Mail apologizes to former British Commissioner

In other news, John Yapp’s posting to Belize as British High Commissioner ended abruptly last year in June when he was accused of unbecoming behavior. Yapp was suspended from diplomatic duties while an investigation into the allegations was ongoing. But a few days ago, the Sunday Mail published an apology to Yapp in respect of […]

Andrew Zimmern eats bizarre foods in Belize

There are healthy foods, junk foods, cultural foods… and there are Bizarre Foods. That’s what the host of the renowned Travel Channel show, Andrew Zimmern, covers around the globe. The show takes Zimmern, a chef, food writer and teacher, all over, tasting the strangest cuisines. He recently finished taping the final season of Bizarre Foods […]

Over 1000 journalists descend on Summit of Americas

The Fifth Summit of the Americas starts on Friday, but this morning in Port of Spain, summit activities went in full gear. Regional leaders and a throng of reporters from Latin America and the Caribbean have descended on the Island of Trinidad. Everyone is waiting to hear the address by U.S. President Barack Obama. But […]

Mexican wins Cross Country Classic

Good evening, I’m James Adderley with this week’s splash of Sports Monday so we’ll jump right into the eighty-first running of the Annual Cross Country Cycle Classic. Imagine Belize in 1927 when Elston Kerr won the inaugural ride, this picture of color, numbers, high tech machines and a forty man invasion of foreign competitors would […]