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Fraudulent cheques, but weak evidence

German national, Stephanie Lupp, was the victim of embezzlement on October eighteenth 2010 when two blank cheques were stolen from her cheque book and two thousand, eight hundred dollars went missing from her account at a local bank. But when the culprits tried to make a second withdrawal of three thousand, seven hundred dollars, the […]

Roaring Creek man gets several charges for a bit of weed

Also in court, a Roaring Creek man who was caught with a small amount of marijuana got himself into big trouble with the law when he allegedly resisted arrest. Thirty-two year old Michael Broaster was approached by police on Tuesday, but he refused to be detained.  Officers reported that he damaged the rear window of […]

4 Mayoral candidates for former capital; meet Paco Smith

With municipal elections in less than four months, the political machinery has been in full gear around the city. The U.D.P. and the P.U.P. are out in full force, having presented their slate in the last couple of weeks. While, there are two other mayoral candidates offering themselves, no official slates have been announced. The […]

The 1st round of Church Vs. UNIBAM misfires

It is a high profile-case, one that has been attracting a lot of attention, even internationally. It’s the UNIBAM verses the Attorney General case. UNIBAM, led by its President, Caleb Orosco is at the courts challenging the AG because they want sodomy to be decriminalized. But to date a number of organizations, including the Council […]

International Anti-Corruption Day’s Poster Competition

International Anti-Corruption Day is celebrated world-wide on December ninth and this year the Vision Inspired by the People (VIP) is holding a poster competition to observe the day. Paco Smith, V.I.P’s mayoral candidate says the awareness building initiative is to sensitize people on the importance to act against corruption and to encourage transparency and values […]

Hundreds of Belizeans and Guatemalans Storm Border for fun

For the past six months Belizean and Guatemalan students have been working side by side, learning art and music in a cultural exchange program. The initiative to bring together youths from both sides of the border who share common interests, is a part of the Confidence Building Measures implemented by the Organization of American States […]

Cabinet levels playing field for CARICOM Imports

Cabinet met in a regular session on Tuesday and there is some good news for Belizeans and Caribbean Community importers alike. It is expected that the approval for the removal of environmental tax from CARICOM will mean lower prices for consumers of CARICOM imports. The other order of the day concerned the cane farmers. And […]

Oil Companies must put cash in environmental fund

However, environmentalists are paying keen attention to Cabinet’s announcement of the establishment of the Environmental Common Fund (ECF).  The ECF is observed in Regulation fifteen (two) of the Petroleum Regulations. It states that current Production Sharing Agreements require contractors to contribute a percentage of the annual gross revenues to the ECF after a production commences.  […]

Is Belize importing rice from Uruguay?

Protection of fertile natural resources is not only to maintain stable ecosystems but also for supporting agricultural production. The sale of locally produced rice, according to several grain growers in the north, has seen a dramatic decrease since May of last year.  It is rumored that the Belize Marketing and Development Corporation (BMDC) has been […]

Santi points finger at alleged perpetrator of dirty politics

The date for General Elections has not been set, nor has the government given any indication if it will be called early. However, activity in one important piece of electoral real estate could become seismic. There are four persons vying to represent Caribbean Shores, three United Democratic Party hopefuls and one Peoples United Party standard […]

Women of Caribbean Shores on road to victory

And while things are heating up in Caribbean Shores for Santi, News Five caught up with his two opponents, Chandra Cansino and Anne-Marie Williams, who made it clear that they aren’t the orchestrators of Santi’s billboard woes. And with just over a week away from the convention slated for December fourth, both women say that […]

2 sides to Carnal Charge; family of accused speak out

Forty-two year old Brian Charlesworth, a resident of Belize City, appeared in court on October twenty-fourth, a few days after allegations were made accusing him of sexually assaulting a pair of minors.  He has been on remand at the Belize Central Prison since before re-appearing before Chief Magistrate Ann Marie Smith this morning.  Initially, Charlesworth […]

Act Now and End Gender Based Violence

The international observance of the annual Sixteen Days of Activism to End Gender Based Violence starts this Friday. Locally, several activities are planned that seek to educate the public about different forms of gender-based violence while promoting steps to stop them. The campaign is being launched on November twenty-fifth, which is also the International Day […]

Caribbean Male Action Network calling out men

And while activities regarding gender-based violence usually focus on women, there’s another event being held on Sunday that’s just for the men. The Champions for Change and Caribbean Male Action Network (CARIMAN) are calling out men of all ages to a workshop at the YWCA to discuss issues that result in domestic and sexual violence. […]

Charged with stabbing but her nationality is questionable

In court news, a well known Belize City sanitation worker was convicted of an immigration offence today. Shirley Lambey Arnold claims she has been living in Belize since she was five years old when her family relocated from Honduras. But when she was detained by police for allegedly stabbing another woman, Lambey was found in […]

Cops say gun is not lost, but in locked up

Floyd Ellis came to News Five last Friday to complain about his missing firearm, which he says was left in the care of a police officer following a domestic dispute with his common-law-wife, Sherry Rosado. Ellis said he voluntarily handed in the weapon to the police officer who responded to his 911 call after Rosado […]

Female leaders attend gender participation in politics seminar

And though the earlier stories dealt mainly with vulnerable groups and gender based violence, there are women who, despite hardships, have molded themselves into leaders. And though there aren’t any women in the House of Representatives that may soon change. In the upcoming municipal as well as general elections, a number of women have offered […]

Healthy Living opens wide for a cat boil

The phrase “if yoh give and tek back yoh wah get cat boil” is common among children in Belize. But many of the persons who use the saying may not really know what a “cat boil” is. Well, the medical term for it is Eye Stye and it comes in two different forms. Healthy Living […]

P.U.P. reshuffles its executive

An economic forum was held today between government and the private sector. We’ll have more on this shortly, but first the People’s United Party today released the appointees to the new executive. The news, however, is more about who has not made it on the list. But, firstly we note that the Fonseca executive has […]

Economic Forum discusses state of country

With the economic train moving slow, Prime Minister Dean Barrow met with the private sector this morning to discuss ways to spur economic growth. Both have been at odds on a number of issues, including nationalization and the ninth amendment, but today a long list of issues that range from crime to taxes were identified […]

PM says S&P does not affect country’s performance

In the wake of government’s acquisition of public utilities, U.S. based financial services company Standard & Poor’s downgraded Belize’s credit rating from a B to B minus in early August. But the outlook for Belize’s financial future was stable until this week, when S&P downgraded it to a negative and confirmed that the country’s rating […]

PM gives update on wife’s cancer treatment

P.M. Barrow returned to the country on Sunday from Miami where his wife, Kim Simplis Barrow, is receiving treatment for stage three breast cancer.  Simplis Barrow is scheduled to undergo a mastectomy having had two tumors detected in her left breast.  P.M. Barrow says he will be out of the country more frequently in the […]

Sarstoon Temash opening to illegal loggers

US Capital Energy has been conducting seismic testing in a national park in the south. Several NGOs have voiced their opposition to the licensed granted to the company for testing in the Sarstoon Temash National Park. Recently, testing resumed and the Belize Institute of Environmental Law and Policy, BELPO and the Association of Protected Areas […]

DJ Motion says cops allowed beating in station

Twenty-seven year old Kevin Lara, a radio Disc Jockey who is known by the nickname DJ Motion, was charged along with three others for burglary and handling stolen goods that were from the house of Kevin Morris and the business of Leon Fulgham. The incident allegedly happened on November ninth, and the disc jockey and […]

Cosmetic thief gets powdery sentence

But in the courts, thirty six year old Martin Ferguson was sent to jail on his birthday for an old crime he had committed. Ferguson, who appeared in court today pleaded guilty for stealing cosmetics valued at nineteen dollars from Williams Store located on the corner of Central American Boulevard and Vernon Street. A non-custodial […]