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Home » March, 2013 You are currently browsing entries posted in: March, 2013

Man arraigned for the carnal knowledge of his stepdaughter

The reported cases of carnal knowledge are on an upward trend and tonight there is another case that is most alarming. The Guatemalan stepfather of an eight year old child was arraigned in court today for carnal knowledge and aggravated assault of his eight year old stepdaughter. The case is most disturbing because the mother […]

Mistrial in murder case against 2 accused; juror prejudicial remark

It’s been three weeks since the murder trial of twenty-four year old Cordel Flores and twenty-one year old Warren Lewis began before Justice Troadio John Gonzalez for the August eighteenth 2009 murder of Alberto Travis Allen. But the case today came to a screeching halt due to a most unusual turn of events. A prejudicial […]

Belizean athletes medal in 2013 Central American Games

Several of our athletes are in Costa Rica competing in the 2013 Central American Games. Seven countries are participating in the sporting event that occurs every four years and this time around Belize is making its mark. Last week Friday, the female softball team returned to the country as bronze medalists and the jewel continues […]

Belize City Center to get much needed facelift

The Belize City Center served as the city’s premier sports auditorium, but it has been closed for more than two years, ever since government engineers pronounced it unsafe. Since that time the building has been left to rot as GOB searched for funding for a new facility, reported to be coming from Mexico. That financing […]

Communication Equipment donated to Fisheries Department

The Fisheries Department is in the news tonight for sizeable donation of communication equipment. The Department is charged with patrolling, monitoring and enforcing the laws on Belize’s waters, though, which is a herculean responsibility though resources are few. Today, their job was made a little easier through a very timely donation of equipment from the […]

Timely donation; fisheries department hosts communication seminar with partners

And that donation of communication equipment could not have come at a better time, as today the Fisheries Department hosted a seminar on communication with its partner agencies including the BDF boat wing, the Police, the Coast Guard, the Port Authority and Customs Department. The workshop is targeted at improving the link between these agencies, […]

Former Belize City mayor makes donation to Maud Williams High

We haven’t heard much about former Mayor Zenaida Moya since she demitted office. But today we caught up with her at the Maud Williams High School, formally known as Saint Michael’s College, where she made a generous donation to the school’s Creative Arts and Vocational Department. Moya handed over some fourteen sewing machines and other […]

Unsafe in public places? Healthy Living has tips to keep out of harm’s way

Earlier in the newscast, we told you about the staggering crime figures plaguing the country. Since the start of the year, there doesn’t seem to be much promise for a change in urban violence. Petty crimes such as burglaries, robberies or jacking are the norm and do not usually make it to the police blotter. […]

Belize Bond 2038; the newly minted superbond

The much condemned and now newly minted super-bond is now the Belize Bond 2038, a done deal with a majority of bondholders signing on and the balance will follow suit under a collective action clause. The numbers have been thrown about since last week, but today Prime Minister Dean Barrow was all smiles as he […]

Ambassador Mark Espat to deal with government’s debt management

At his press conference of the Belize Bond 2038, the PM said the terms of the restructuring of the five hundred and thirty million US dollars bond is cause for celebration and jubilation. But it also calls for glaring scrutiny of the prudent fiscal management in maintaining the sustainability of the national debt. To this […]

Barrow supports AG’s proposed amendment to change legal profession act

Attorney-General Wilfred Elrington is taking on the Bar Association again, and this time he wants to push legislation which will remove compulsory membership of attorneys in that association. The move is seen in many circles as a way to formalize the deep divisions within the Bar and government’s way of resisting opposition through legislation. Today […]

Placencia land titles given to DPM cronies revoked, but they will be compensated at market value

In February it made the news when it came to light that just six days before the general elections, four prime parcels of land on the Placencia Peninsula were sold to friends and relatives of the Minister of Natural Resources, at rock bottom prices. There was an outcry from environmentalists and residents of Placencia since […]

San Ignacio family says police used excessive force in the killing of two robbers

Two San Ignacio residents were killed by the police on Tuesday afternoon. The duo, twenty-two year old Rony Garcia and eighteen year old Jose Garcia, had robbed a store and were pursued by the police when they were fatally shot. The robbery of three hundred plus dollars and various packs of cigarettes cost them their […]

The staggering government wage bill

The budget debate for the 2013-2014 financial year which begins April first, takes place next week in the House of Representatives. When the proceedings get underway, the opposition will be presenting its official position to the estimates that were introduced to the House on March first.  But before that happens, we have been looking at […]

Barrow says cost of the restructuring astronomical

Earlier in the newscast we told you about the Prime Minister’s celebration over the Belize Bond 2038.  But at the press conference, the media raised the matter of the cost of the restructuring, including legal fees, payment to advisors and payments to the renegotiating team. Prime Minister Dean Barrow did not come up with an […]

Espat compares challenges of superbond: past and present

Still on the restructuring, Ambassador Mark Espat is the head of the team which worked on the debt restructuring with bondholders that resulted in the Belize Bond 2038. Espat was also an integral part of the team which, under the previous administration in 2007 negotiated what has been dubbed the super-bond. Today, he compared the […]

Court of Appeal opened; 2 murder cases heard

  The Court of Appeal opened on Tuesday, presiding is President, Justice, Manuel Sosa. Two cases were heard on the first day of this session. Twenty-three year old Nelson Gibson, who was convicted of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment, appeared before the court; his case was heard expeditiously and a ruling has been set […]

Mother and stepfather charged in disturbing carnal knowledge case

In a most disturbing story tonight, the stepfather and mother of an eight year old girl have been detained by police for the crimes of Carnal Knowledge and Abetment. On Monday, the minor along with her aunt, visited the Belize City police station and reported the alleged heinous crimes.  The minor complained to her aunt […]

Minister’s son charged for marijuana possession

The son of a minister was spared jail time today after he was criminally charged before the Courts. Around two-thirty this afternoon, a son of Minister Edmund “Clear the Land” Castro was escorted in cuffs to the Belize City Family Court and was read a single charge of Possession of a Control Drugs. The minor […]

Belize Jaguars to take on powerhouses in its first appearance in CONCACAF Gold Cup

After a rather impressive outing in the recently held Copa Centroamericana at Costa Rica, the Belize Jaguars will be making its first appearance in the CONCACAF Gold Cup which is held every two years.  While our national team proudly takes its stand with the best teams from our region, Belize finds itself grouped with the […]

New Pope elected: Jesuit Archbishop, Jorge Mario Bergoglio now Pope Francis

History was made today at the Vatican and in Latin America.  The former Archbishop of Buenos Aires,   Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected as the new pope of one point two billion Roman Catholics, including more than forty percent who are from Latin America. The new pope took the name Francis and he is seventy-six years […]

Two brothers killed in a shootout with the police in the west

There is news tonight of a deadly shoot-out between police and two brothers in the west. The duo was shot dead following the robbery of Roses Store which is located on the Benque Viejo Road. The two have been identified as Jose Garcia and his younger sibling, Roni Garcia, from San Ignacio. A preliminary report […]

Minister Sedi Elrington says compulsory membership in the Bar is unconstitutional

There is a proposal tonight for a monumental change in the Legal Profession Act. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Kenneth Benjamin, has been informed by the Solicitor General about a proposed bill which would amend the Legal Profession Act to “remove the requirement of compulsory membership by attorneys-at-law to the Bar Association of […]

A.G. proposes to change formation of General Legal Counsel

The Attorney General is also proposing changes to the formation of the General Legal Counsel. Elrington says that contrary to reports, he is not trying to make the government take over the majority of appointments to the counsel. He says that’s not true and that the counsel posts have been circulated for years amongst only […]

Official report released on partially submerged plane in Corozal

Last Friday we reported that a small plane had plunged into the Pueblo Nuevo Lagoon which is located on the outskirts of Corozal Town. The plane was belly-up and partially submerged in the water, but it wasn’t until today that an official release was sent to the media. Police say that the plane was found […]