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Two Men Arraigned for Murder of Donicio Trujillo in San Pedro

Police believe they have cracked a recent murder in San Pedro where a well known taxi driver Donicio Trujllio, was killed. Two men have been apprehended and charged with Trujillo’s murder: forty year old Rafael Ramirez, a Guatemalan national and twenty-five year-old Arvington Neal, a resident of San Ignacio, Cayo who resides in the island. […]

Squatters Return to Demolished Home in Gungulung

There are more complaints tonight against the Minister of State Mark King over the issue of squatting in the area of Holy Emmanuel. After King came under fire he re-settled twelve families to Cotton Tree on the George Price Highway. But the problem continues to haunt King. Tonight a family of five is without a […]

U.S. Issues Advisory in Cayo District Following Double Murder in Teakettle

It didn’t make it in the news on Thursday, but the U.S Embassy did send out a release issuing condolences to Paul Signorino and Julian Jones, the two American nationals who were killed a week ago in Teakettle. In that same release, the U.S Embassy said that it’s a strong proponent of citizen security that […]

Early Childhood Development Workshop Hosted by MOE

Early Childhood Development- it’s about the comprehensive care for children up to age eight and it is something that we are tackling locally. It is a matter of great importance. So much so that it has brought together three ministries and other partners to adequately address development of young children in Belize. Today we stopped […]

Belize Kids First Offers High School Scholarship

Are you looking for funds to pay for your high school tuition? Well, you may just be the student that Belize Kids First Organization is looking for. Anne Palacio President of Belize Kids First Organization says it’s doing its part and wants to make the dreams of four high school students possible: Anne Palacio, President, […]

Remembering Amos Ford

His death may have gone largely unrecognized since it happened in March of this year, but Amos Ford’s death made several UK news outlets. He was a member of a group of about one hundred and fifty forestry workers who left the then British Honduras to travel to Britain to give support to King and Empire […]

Looking Back… When The Compromis Was Signed In 2008

The signing of an amendment to the 2008 Special Agreement is proceeding as planned in Guatemala City this coming Monday. Foreign Minister Wilfred Elrington and his Guatemalan counterpart Carlos Raul Morales will sign the agreement but for the first time the opposition will not participate. The amendment results in a significant and fundamental change to […]

Badly Decomposed Body Found Near Westlake Park

Just before five o’clock today a decomposing body was found near at mile eight on the George Price Highway. Our crew is still on the scene but we can say that a family’s worst fear has been confirmed as the body believed to be that of Denfield ‘LL’ Bowen was discovered on a feeder road […]

Family Believes Remains Are Denfield Bowen

At the top of the newscast, we reported that the body of Denfield Bowen had been found at mile 8 on the George Price Highway. Our crew is just back and we have an interview with his common-law wife about the discovery of Bowen’s body.   Claudine Dawson, Common-law Wife of Denfield Bowen “When we […]

Another Youth Gunned Down In The Old Capital

While police determine the identity of the murder victim found at mile eight a while ago, on Wednesday night a twenty-six year old Belize City resident was shot in a yard close to his house in the south side of the Old Capital. A lone gunman walked up to the yard, opened the gates and […]

Leaseholder Faces Eviction by Edmund Castro’s Wife

Minister of State Edmund Castro has been having a warm time of it lately. He finished off last week in court, where the judge and the public had to listen to hours of very compelling and unpleasant testimony – first about distinctly low points in his political career, and then about his alleged involvement in […]

PUP Will Not Participate in Compromis Amendment Signing

There is turmoil in Guatemala tonight where they have been mass firings of government ministers by the embattled President, Otto Perez Molina who is under pressure to resign. Still yet, a government delegation is planning to travel to Guatemala City this weekend where an amendment to the Special Agreement will be ratified before outgoing OAS […]

Party Condemns Lack of Public Consultation

According to Shoman, the PUP cannot endorse government’s position to amend the Special Agreement since there has not been any input by the opposition or public consultation on the matter.   Lisa Shoman “At that time, as far as the Leader of the Opposition was confirmed this was not yet answered in the affirmative.  In […]

Shoman Says Amendment Does Not Benefit Belize

During the prime minister’s press briefing last Thursday, he told the media that Belize would have an advantage were Guatemala to proceed with individual referendum in November.  Our vote, he said, would hinge on the outcome of Guatemala’s decision.  That position, is seemingly not a shared one, since Shoman says that it’s a departure from […]

FCD Issues Release on Guatemalan Milpas in Belize

And if you think this is the only issue with Guatemala, just ask the Friends For Conservation Development. They’ve been documenting the illegal activities inside the Chiquibul for years and it hasn’t slowed down. The FCD issued a release today about the Guatemalan milpas inside Belize. Majority are planted with corn, squash, beans and even […]

Did Guatemalan Poachers Kill Belize’s National Animal?

And from milpas to wild animals- the pressures inside the Chiquibul are numerous. And the FCD has been working tirelessly to put a stop or to mitigate in some cases. And as Manzanero says, poaching is one of the issues that is very difficult to stop and in recent months there has been an increase. […]

Requena Brothers Charged for Drug Trafficking

Brothers Giovanni and Ellis Requena appeared in court today for drug trafficking. In mitigation plea, Ellis Requena maintained that he wasn’t guilty and was set free to go when Giovanni, who appeared unrepresented, changed his not guilty plea to guilty. He begged Senior Magistrate Sharon Frazer for leniency telling the court that he was only […]

Belize City Man Will Serve Six Years for School Burglary

A Belize City resident is tonight  starting a six year prison term for burglarizing a classroom at the  All Saints Primary School in Belize City. The burglary occurred this past Tuesday and Edward Belgrave was caught in the act.   When police responded to reports of a burglary at the school, they heard a noise coming […]

DJ Says Police Do Not Want to Arrest Minister’s Nephew

On April eleventh, a man identified as Shadir Marin allegedly pulled a gun on another man, Edison Usher, in front of witnesses at a fund-raising event in Belize City. The complainant and two witnesses have made statements and have positively identified Marin in front of Police. In virtually any circumstance that is an offence called […]

Annual Cancer Care Symposium Held in Belize

During the month of May, the Belize Cancer Society annually holds events to bring attention to cancer. The society and its partners held the annual cancer care symposium in Belize City today. Local and international presenters spoke on cancer prevention, control, initiatives, programs and other cancer related topics. Andrea Polanco reports:   Andrea Polanco, Reporting […]

CSME Conducts Workshops on Membership Opportunities

One of a series of workshops to train teachers to become effective communicators of Caribbean Single Market And Economy took place in Belize City today. The CSME Unit partnered with consultants and specialists to engage high school teachers with the aim that it will make students and working professionals aware of the potential that exists […]

Guatemalan Government Rocked By Corruption Allegations

As you heard earlier, the opposition will not be present in Guatemala on Monday when the government proceeds to sign an amendment to the special agreement. But tonight the situation is volatile in Guatemala where President Otto Perez earlier today fired several senior government officials, including the ministers of the interior, energy and environment.  The […]

Healthy Living Takes a Look art Yoga and Technology

No time to get to the gym, no babysitter to watch the kids while you squeeze in some exercise. Then, this segment of Healthy Living is just for you. Tonight we feature entrepreneur and yoga instructor Ashanti Garcia who’s offering a solution for people who feel they never have the time to exercise.   Marleni […]

OW Police Charge Two Men for Arson

Just after three this afternoon Orange Walk Police charged and formally arraigned Efrain Alpuche and Saul Vasquez on a single charge of arson. The men had been in custody since Monday when they were detained on suspicion of being involved in the burning of twenty acres of cane in San Lorenzo, the property of ASR/BSI. […]

Police Say There Was No Truth to Firearm Allegation

Today at least six members of the Scenes of Crime Squad huddled around the blue Mazda pickup allegedly used by the men accused of burning the BSI fields. They were paying particular attention to the right side-view mirror of the vehicle, and while we weren’t allowed to get close, they processed the vehicle for well […]