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Home » August, 2002 You are currently browsing entries posted in: August, 2002

Teachers polish skills for new school year

What is it that makes a great teacher? You know, the one you remember twenty years later who made history come alive, taught you to appreciate great literature or somehow managed to unravel the mystery of algebra. Some of these great teachers may be born, but most are made, often by summer training. Jacqueline Woods […]

Miss Mexico is new Reina de la Costa Maya

It’s a party that draws revellers from as far away as Europe and as close as Belize City, with entertainment drawn from Mexico and Central America. Last night San Pedro’s annual Costa Maya Festival kicked off with the crowning of La Reina de la Costa Maya. News 5’s Jacqueline Woods had an all access pass. […]

Lino taken off case, denies wrongdoing

The case of corruption in the Immigration Department keeps getting more complex. Earlier this week Senior Superintendent Bernard Lino, appointed to head the investigation into the scandal, was removed from the case by the Police Commissioner and replaced by Senior Superintendent Gerald Westby. Rumours flew as to why the veteran cop was canned, focussing primarily […]

Prison officers’ benefits will be protected

It got off to a rocky start, but indications are that the transition to private management at Hattieville Prison is beginning to gel. According to C.E.O. in the Ministry of Home Affairs, Alan Usher, letters went out this morning to all prison officers outlining their options for future employment. According to Usher, there will be […]

Junior carnival band holds fundraising pageant

They are well known for their participation in the Carnival Road March every September, and this year the members of Black Pearl will hit the streets once again. Determined to do so in colour and style, the group is holding a special fundraiser this Saturday night when they will crown Little Miss Black Pearl. This […]

Space running out at city cemetery

There’s an old riddle that asks: why is the cemetery always crowded? The answer: because people are dying to get in. That joke just about sums up the situation facing the recently departed of Belize City. Jacqueline Woods reports. Jacqueline Woods, Reporting On average, one person is laid to rest each day at the Lord […]

San Cas U.B. evens series at 2-all

At various times it looked like either team in the B.B.A. playoffs could turn the series into a route. But instead, the best of five series is knotted at two-all with the final game coming up this Friday. News 5’s James Adderley has the highlights of last night’s big win for San Cas U.B. James […]

Cane farmers protest for increased subsidy

In recent years the growth areas in Belize’s economy have been products like citrus, bananas and shrimp farming… not to mention tourism. But there was a time not very long ago that the nation’s survival began and ended with one word: sugar. Today, despite some recent setbacks, sugar is still a huge business and vital […]

Cop arrested as Cayo extortion probe expands

The case of the heavily armed Mennonites arrested last week in the Cayo District is expanding and today two more suspects were charged, one of them, a police officer. P.C. Ramon Manzanero, currently stationed at San Pedro, was charged with two counts of blackmail and conspiracy to blackmail. Also charged with the same crimes were […]

Suspect detained in O.W. murder case

As we reported on yesterday’s newscast, twenty-two year old Luis Urbina has been detained by Orange Walk police and may face charges in connection with a rampage of murder, rape and robbery that ranged across Corozal and Orange Walk in June. Today, Urbina, who was charged on Tuesday with a long pending drug offence, was […]

Fire destroys house; arson suspected

A fire this morning on Neal Pen Road has left a house almost totally destroyed and its owner out on the street. Jacqueline Woods reports on a tragedy that may not have been an accident. Cecil Emmanuel, Fire Victim “No, I no save nothing, a boy just gave me this pants. I come out with […]

B.T.L. awards high school scholarships

A break in B.T.L.’s fibre optic cable cut off all telecommunications to Belmopan today, shutting down services to the nation’s capital as well as any function dependent on the earth station. So aside from being unable to call our friends in government for most of the day, the fault also sidelined vital computer networks used […]

Lotto jackpot remains unclaimed

Interest is once again heating up in the lotto jackpot, which has risen to eighty-seven thousand, five hundred dollars for tonight’s draw. What lotto players may have forgotten, however, is that there is still a hefty jackpot from last month that remains unclaimed. On July sixth the winning ticket was sold at John’s Supermarket in […]

Germans donate school furniture to Iris victims

An international effort centred in Germany has resulted in the donation of a large quantity of school furniture for victims of Hurricane Iris. On Tuesday, the shipment of desks, chairs and blackboards arrived at the Belize City port. The items were donated by schools throughout Germany that heard about the hurricane and the damage it […]

Relationship deepens between Belize and Taiwan

There are not many countries in the world that can claim to be best friends with both Cuba and Taiwan, but today with the visit of the Taiwanese Premier, Belize proved that our diplomatic balancing act is on a secure footing. A relationship that began in the previous PUP administration as an act of cold […]

Taiwan donates to Garifuna museum

As part of his official tour, Premier Yu and Prime Minister Said Musa held a joint press conference this afternoon. While the occasion was used to sign several important agreements, one of the more interesting parts of the event was the handing over of a cheque to the National Garifuna Council to establish a library […]

Belize will host Taiwan volunteers

A second document to receive joint approval from Belize and Taiwan was that of a programme to provide Belize with Taiwanese volunteers. Signing on behalf of Belize was Foreign Minister Assad Shoman, while Foreign Minister Eugene Chien signed for Taiwan. According to the Ministers, the volunteers will be participating in several nation-building initiatives in various […]

Yu cites continuing threat from mainland

Throughout his visit, Premier Yu has stressed the importance of self-determination, going so far as to praise Belize for seeking a peaceful end to Guatemala’s territorial claim. But it was Taiwan’s own independence that the Premier emphasised in his message to both the Taiwanese community and those from the Peoples Republic of China who are […]

Lauriano charged in shooting incident

A man accused of terrorising a Belize City family has been charged by police. Giovanni Lauriano will answer for harm, three counts of aggravated assault, damage to property and burglary. The charges arose from a series of incidents on Saturday night in which the McFoy family alleges that Lauriano, along with two other men, sprayed […]

Second suspect apprehended in O.W. murder, rape

In another arrest, this time in Orange Walk, police have apprehended twenty-two year old Luis Urbina and expect to charge him with murder and rape. Urbina is the second suspect to be accused in the June thirteenth killing of Susanna Petkau, the attempted murder of her husband Enrique Petkau, and the rape of an Corozal […]

Cane farmers will protest low prices

An alleged failure by government to live up to a commitment made last year has cane farmers seeing red tonight. Spokesmen for the irate farmers claim that in December when B.S.I. was ready to announce its projected price for sugar, that price was set at slightly over thirty-seven dollars per ton. At that depressed level […]

Authorities on lookout for dengue

Reporting on communicable diseases in a country that depends on tourism for a significant part of its income is not something taken lightly, but health officials are closely monitoring events around us and are preparing to take action should the threat of dengue fever cross our borders. Jacqueline Woods reports. Jacqueline Woods, Reporting Despite an […]

Taiwanese prepare for Premier’s visit

His chartered jet took off an hour late and we are told that Taiwanese Premier Yu Shyi-kun and a thirty-eight-member entourage should just now be touching down at the Philip Goldson International Airport. The visit is the last leg of a trip that included stops in Haiti, Panama and Costa Rica, and will last less […]

Gunmen harass Belize City family

The incident did not end in any loss of life… but considering the amount of lead sprayed around the northside Belize City neighbourhood, it could be considered a minor miracle. Jacqueline Woods reports on a personal vendetta that grew seriously out of control. Jacqueline Woods, Reporting Shortly after 8:00 on Saturday night, the McFoy family […]

Caye caretaker charged with murder

Forty-nine year old Robert Moore, a U.S. citizen detained last Thursday after he fatally shot a man and wounded his common-law wife, has been charged with murder. Moore, the resident caretaker of Frank’s Caye claims to have acted in self defence after the couple, Paul Westby and Dorla Martin, trespassed on the caye and attacked […]