Home » June, 2011
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While Lova Boy will rock Punta Gorda, Cyril Pitterson also known as Reality Youth, will be spreading the word of God through music. He told us today that he has a brand new video out and he wants you to listen to his message. Cyril “Reality Youth” Pitterson, Gospel Artist “I am musician into spreading […]
Written on June 17, 2011 | Posted in
Entertainment |
You’ve had a concert and a new gospel video, but there’s also karate. A group of security officers have concluded training and have acquired self defense techniques. The security personnel are employed by the Santiago Castillo Group and were trained by the House of Shotokan. News Five’s Jose Sanchez reports. Jose Sanchez, Reporting Karate is […]
Written on June 17, 2011 | Posted in
People & Places |
1 comment
Gunshots rang out in the dead of the night on Central American Boulevard. A taxi driver was executed by two men who rode up on bicycles and fired at least six shots on Kevin Flowers. The bullets found their mark in his head, chest and arm. Flowers was rushed to the hospital but passed away […]
Written on June 16, 2011 | Posted in
Featured |
A suspicious aircraft was sighted hovering across Southern Belize earlier today. While the plane did not make its landing, local authorities were alerted and are said to be keeping a close eye on the situation. The suspicious plane sent off alarm bells because last November, a major shipment of cocaine was seized near South Stann […]
Written on June 16, 2011 | Posted in
Miscellaneous |
Nature Fresh Belize Limited has taken a thrashing in the media over a fourteen point nine million dollar loan that the investment committee of the Social Security Board is recommending to the Board. The company is owned by the Mena group, which also owned and operated Fresh Catch that went into receivership in July 2010. […]
Written on June 16, 2011 | Posted in
People & Places |
In other news of a financial nature, Standard and Poor’s, an international credit rating agency, released its 2011 report on Wednesday. Credit ratings are an evaluation of a country’s ability to meet its debt obligations in full and within the prescribed time. They also heavily influence the decisions of investors and investment bankers. So how […]
Written on June 16, 2011 | Posted in
Featured |
There is some sporting news that can’t wait until James Adderley’s Sports Monday. Belize’s Under Sixteen basketball team is in Mexico City playing in preliminary rounds against other Central American countries. Unfortunately, the local boys lost eighty to one hundred and eight against a formidable team from Puerto Rico, which had already put a trashing […]
Written on June 16, 2011 | Posted in
Sports |
Belize Electricity Limited C.E.O., Lynn Young has made the point that the Public Utilities Commission is squeezing B.E.L. At the most recent Annual General Meeting, Young said that; “Rather than secure that we are able to finance our activities for customers and shareholders, the P.U.C. instead seems obsessed with destroying what we have built over […]
In court, six persons were remanded to prison on Monday after being charged with Burglary and Handling Stolen Goods in connection with a string of break-ins in the Lake Independence and Belama areas. Today, a seventh accused, twenty-one year old Cassandra Humes of Berries Street, was charged with Handling Stolen Goods. Humes is accused of […]
Written on June 16, 2011 | Posted in
Trials |
Tonight a businessman is behind bars after he was picked out by a robbery victim in an identification parade. Twenty-four year old city resident, Richard Burgos, claims he was robbed on May twenty-first of this year by twenty six year-old businessman, Jaime Jeffery Villanueva. Today Villanueva appeared in Court before Magistrate Roberto Ordonez where he […]
Written on June 16, 2011 | Posted in
Trials |
Herbs have traditionally been used for medicinal purposes; from minor to serious illnesses. Some of them are easy to grow and can be found in your own backyard. So if your garden has rosemary, mint or other plants, you might have a trove of natural medicine. Currently at the House of Culture, there is collection […]
Written on June 16, 2011 | Posted in
Health |
Eight young athletes are heading to Greece with the hopes of bringing back gold. They have been training and preparing for the games in which they will compete for the first time. Unlike the regular football, the boys will be testing their mettle in the five a-side football fielding five players, rather than the usual […]
Written on June 16, 2011 | Posted in
People & Places,
Sports |
On Wednesday’s newscast we told you about a twelve year old girl who was being barred from attending her graduation at St. Francis Xavier Primary School in Esperanza, Cayo. Her family members contacted the Ministry of Education after they could not resolve the issue with the school. The graduation ceremony occurred this morning and the […]
Written on June 16, 2011 | Posted in
Miscellaneous |
The Global Parish group has been developing the talent of teenagers and adults with its Youth Voices project. Another component of the Global Parish initiative is about to be launched to coincide with the summer break. The group is launching a documentary story telling program. According to the project director, amongst the lecturers will be […]
Written on June 16, 2011 | Posted in
Miscellaneous |
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The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS, which sets new goals to be met by 2015. Belize, was among the countries that signed on to the declaration in a high level meeting in New York. The declaration consists of sixty-five pledges, aimed at intensifying the international response to HIV/AIDS. But […]
When it comes to back pain, we’ve all been there. Usually we diagnose the causes to be due to a range of issues, from the back going out, to hernias and of course a slipped disc. This week Healthy living explores the real root of your back pain when you think you have a slipped […]
Written on June 16, 2011 | Posted in
Health |
We begin tonight’s newscast with positive news. That’s because Belize is celebrating a pair of victories in the international sporting arena both in football and basketball. In Trinidad, game one of a home and away series played between Belize’s National ‘A’ Team Selection and Montserrat for a shot at qualifying for World Cup 2014, concluded […]
Written on June 15, 2011 | Posted in
Sports |
Two persons were injured when a boat exploded near Caye Caulker; one was flown to Belize City by BERT for treatment at the Medical Associates. Shortly after two this afternoon, thirty-three year old Cornel Brown and co-captain twenty three year old Jairo Reyes, were preparing to leave Caye Caulker en route to a resort Brown […]
A protest organized this morning in the Old Capital did not have the numbers that two others had in the past two weeks; only a small group turned out to protest a raft of social ills. The message, however, stayed on course and COLA says it all leads to a big demonstration in the weeks […]
Five pieces of legislation, among them the Crime Control and Criminal Justice Amendment Bill, Belize Constitution Eight Amendment Bill, Indictable Procedure Amendment Bill, Juries Amendment Bill and the Supreme Court of Judicature Amendment Bill were introduced in the House in May. They are a bundle of initiatives by the government to tackle crime and violence […]
While the P.U.P. has rejected four of the five proposed amendments, including the controversial preventative detention, it does endorse the Supreme Court of Judicature Amendment Bill. Francis Fonseca, Deputy Party Leader, P.U.P. “The one that we support has to do with the amendment to the Supreme Court of Judicature Amendment Bill which is the bill […]
Written on June 15, 2011 | Posted in
People & Places,
Politics |
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Turning to tonight’s question: We have reported that government is considering the buyout of majority shares in BEL, so we ask: should electricity rates go up to avoid blackouts? Send your comments and responses using your SMART phones to 8686 or post your vote on our e-poll at channel5belize.com. You can also send an email […]
Written on June 15, 2011 | Posted in
Featured |
Celebrations to mark the thirtieth anniversary of Belize’s independence are just around the corner. A logo and theme were unveiled today and this year a number of new events will be incorporated in the revelry. There’s a Prime Minister’s Forum, a National Wear initiative and the carnival will be launched earlier than usual. News Five’s […]
Prime Minister Dean Barrow has taken to the airwaves since he announced last Friday that government is considering acquiring majority shares in Belize Electricity Limited. This morning an official four page statement was circulated by his office laying out the government’s case and crafted to ease any fear among investors. With the withdrawal of BEL’s […]
Written on June 15, 2011 | Posted in
Miscellaneous |
In the Dangriga court, five police officers and a Customs boatman who were charged in connection with an alleged drug plane that landed on the Southern Highway since last November have been committed to stand trial at the Supreme Court. Sergeants Jacinto Roches and Lawrence Humes, Corporals Nelson Middleton and Renel Grant as well as […]
Written on June 15, 2011 | Posted in
Trials |