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Home » April, 2014 You are currently browsing entries posted in: April, 2014

Sporting Highlights with James Adderley

Good evening I’m James Adderley and this is Sports Monday. Week 11 in NEBL Basketball brought a battle royal to San Ignacio where 2 teams with identical records of 9 wins 1 loss each took the court inside Sacred Heart College to determine who would be the undisputed league leader going into week 12 of […]

Mayor Darrell Bradley no longer eligible for municipal elections

Mayor Darrell Bradley will be leaving municipal office in March 2015. We didn’t exactly hear it from the horse’s mouth, but we heard it from his political boss, Prime Minister Dean Barrow. Bradley has been a perpetual waffle when it comes to his future in politics. First he claimed he would throw his hat into […]

SATIIM versus G.O.B. and US Capital; P.M. says extension to drill will be waived

Despite a ruling handed down by Supreme Court Justice Michelle Arana on April third, US Capital Energy’s pre-drilling activities in the Sarstoon Temash National Park will continue unabated. That’s because government, like SATIIM and U.S Capital, has its own interpretation of the ruling. In a letter dated April twenty-third, attorney Denys Barrow informs SATIIM’s attorney […]

Meeting held with gang members to address spiking criminal activities

In 2012, Belize was considered one of the top ten most dangerous countries in the world, with murders at an unprecedented high. In 2013, that turned around somewhat, with murders falling below the one hundred mark for the first time in five years. But 2014 isn’t looking quite that good, with gang tensions and the […]

Police Officer gets 15-year sentence for firearm conviction

Special Constable Jose Haylock, who was charged jointly with his girlfriend, Corrine Diane Martinez, was convicted late this evening before Chief Magistrate Anne Marie Smith for firearm and ammunition offences.  The couple was busted in February 2012, at their residence on Louise Bevans Street.  Inside their home police found a point twenty-two pistol and eleven […]

New Board of Directors appointed for B.T.B.

Vice President of the Caribbean Development Bank Dr. Carla Barnett has been selected as the Chair Designate of the Belize Tourism Board.  The announcement follows the appointment of a new Board of Directors for B.T.B.   Einer Gomez, General Manager of Ramon’s Village Resort, remains acting chairman until Barnett assumes the post upon the completion of […]

A National Transportation Master Plan is unveiled

A collaborative effort between the Government of Belize and South Korea has resulted in the unveiling of a National Transportation Master Plan.  Through a Knowledge Sharing Program established by both countries, Belize is benefiting from the technical expertise of South Korea in developing a robust and sustainable strategy for transportation.  The master plan was unveiled […]

Ministry of Local Government to address financial issues in PG Town Council

In recent weeks, there have been persistent reports of financial problems at the Punta Gorda Town Council. Now financial difficulties in municipal administrations are legion – revenues are notoriously scarce while obligations are many. But there is word that the problems way down south in Punta Gorda are bigger than that – so serious in […]

G.O.B. seeking CARICOM assistance in Maranco oil find

In March 2014, Maranco Energy Belize Limited announced a significant oil find at its South Canal Bank number three – a preliminary reserve estimate of fifty-million barrels. But it was a bittersweet discovery. The oil is there, but getting it out of the ground is a whole different matter, a prohibitively expensive proposition. The company […]

PM Barrow gives update on appeal in case of Penner

Seven months and counting – that’s how much time has passed since former Minister of State Elvin Penner was fingered in a serious immigration fraud. The public has remained committed to ensuring that Penner is brought to justice for his role in facilitating Belizean citizenship for Won Hong Kim. The political directorate has been every […]

Shooting in San Pedro

San Pedro Police are at a standstill, following a shooting incident on Thursday night. Reports are that sometime around nine p.m. six gunmen fired several shots at the Campos family residence in the San Juan area of the island.  While no one was at home at the time, police say that a bullet hole was […]

Honduran national found illegally living in Belize

On Tuesday, twenty-two-year-old Melvin Antonio Avilez Cruz, a Honduran national was found living in Belize illegally.  Cruz, who was unrepresented, appeared before Senior Magistrate Sharon Fraser where he was read a single charge for being illegally in Belize.  He pleaded guilty and was fined one thousand dollars and was ordered to pay forthwith or in […]

PetroCaribe doing big things in Belize

The Petrocaribe initiative took its first baby steps in Belize in 2005, but fizzled out in 2009. It was reloaded in Belize in 2012, and to say that the Jewel is reaping major financial dividends would be an understatement. Today, the head office of Alba Petrocaribe Belize Energy Ltd. officially opened its doors in Belize […]

Crucifixion of Jesus Christ re-enacted in Benque Viejo Del Carmen

The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ has been retold countlessly through biblical literature.  During Holy Week, movies reenacting his death on Calvary are aired across the local and international media.  On Good Friday in Benque Viejo del Carmen, devout Christians relive the experience by dramatizing Jesus’ final hours before being put to death at the hands […]

San Pedro Tiger Sharks versus Cayo Western Ballaz in NEBL Tournament

The National Elite Basketball League is heading into its eleventh week of regular season play and this weekend the number one seed San Pedro Tiger Sharks is set to take on the Cayo Western Ballaz.  While the Western Ballaz will have home court advantage on Saturday, they share a similar record of nine wins and […]

Franks Eddy resident missing; he was last seen in police custody

A resident of Franks Eddy Village remains missing tonight and friends and family are concerned about his whereabouts since he was last seen in police custody four days ago. It is unclear whether Guatemalan national, Manuel Acevedo, is dead or alive. Despite an ongoing investigation in which Belmopan Police say they were initially unaware of, […]

Galen University President, Louis Zabaneh, steps down

Tonight, News Five has confirmed that Dr. Louis Zabaneh, President of Galen University, has demitted office effective immediately.  Zabaneh’s abrupt departure comes on the heels of a recent decision taken by majority shareholders of the institution to appoint a new president unbeknownst to the board of directors, as well as the Minister of Education, Patrick […]

GST officers shakedown business owners in an extortion scam

Tonight, there is credible information surfacing which indicates an emerging scandal in another government department. News Five has been able to confirm that there are multiple allegations of corruption being levelled at politically connected officials within the General Sales Tax Department. We are told that two officers in particular are being accused of attempting to […]

Cabanas family threatened with their lives for million-dollar ransom

There is another case of extortion to report on in Orange Walk, and this one is really frightening. News Five understands that the Cabanas family, which owns a large thrift and used clothing store, is the target of a death threat, delivered in truly grisly fashion.  We’ve been able to confirm that the threat was […]

Land grab in Orange Walk Town has an uncle and nephew at odds

Imagine working on a piece of land for almost forty years – backbreaking labour to clear and keep clean. You plant every fruit and vegetable you can get your hands on, because this is the legacy you want to leave for your family. And then one day you find out that your piece of land […]

Shooting on Freedom Street in Belize City

Today, police presence has been boosted significantly in the area of Jane Usher Boulevard, following a shooting incident just before noon. It happened on Freedom Street which runs parallel to Jane Usher Boulevard.  An eighteen-year-old student and a friend of his are both lucky to be alive after two gunmen fired as many as eight […]

17 year old shot in Dangriga

There was another shooting in Dangriga which has left one youth recovering from three gunshot wounds. Just after eight pm on Wednesday night gunshots were heard in the vicinity of Castillo Alley, and when Police arrived on the scene they found seventeen year old Hansel Garcia lying on the street. He had been shot in […]

Investments soon to be made in Harmonyville

The Belize Grassroots Youth Empowerment Association (BGYEA) is in its fourth year of existence and has been fighting for months to get titles and even leases to parcels of land in a community they call Harmonyville. It continues to be a frustrating process for the one thousand plus individuals who were given an acre of […]

Grassroots organization remains at odds with government

There is also valuable lumber in Harmonyville that Petillo says is being pillaged by villagers living along the George Price Highway. He says that a businessman is offering to build additional roadways within the community in exchange for gaining access to the lumber. But that aside, Petillo says that he is frustrated with the state […]

Belize City man charged for San Ignacio rape

On March eighth at about one p.m. a sixteen-year-old female of San Ignacio Town visited the San Ignacio Town Police Station in the company of a guardian and reported that the night before whilst walking on Bullet Tree Road heading home from Maxim’s Restaurant and upon reaching Rx Pharmacy, a male person who was behind […]