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Home » March, 2016 You are currently browsing entries posted in: March, 2016

RED Police Capture Armed Robbers in River Valley

There have been a string of violent robberies of late in the Belize District and with the Easter holidays upon us, the police are asking residents to be careful. The most recent robbery was perpetuated by two armed thieves but from all accounts, it also involved a trio in a getaway vehicle. On Wednesday, a […]

Motorist Mows Down American Cyclists Training for Cross Country

A group of US cyclists training on the George Price Highway this morning was hit by a vehicle near mile thirteen driven by a seventy-four year old Denton Hendy. All six were hospitalized and it is likely that four of them will not participate in the Cross Country Race on Holy Saturday.  Chris Harkey, a […]

Regular & Diesel Pump Prices Go Up Again

The domestic cost of fuel went up again earlier this week with the cost per gallon of regular inching closer toward the nine dollar cap.  While the cost per gallon of diesel has increased to seven dollars and seventy-one cents, a difference of twenty-one cents since it last went up in December.  The good news […]

Coast Guard Graduates 46

The eighth class of recruits of the Belize National Coast Guard graduated this morning at the Williamson Compound in Ladyville. The intake of forty-six trained for three months to prepare them to assume a military role. The seamen will take on a range of duties within the naval unit. News Five’s Isani Cayetano was on […]

Papa Mena Takes on Pastor Stirm in the House

Well-known Pastor Scott Stirm has come under some fire in the wake of the release of a video which has gone viral. In the edited video, Stirm is speaking to an audience at SP Ministries in the U.S.  The section of that video which has caught fire is one in which Stirm makes reference to, […]

Barrow Uses Debate to Slam Caribbean Shores Rep

The debate on the 2016/2017 budget ran the full two days allocated in the House, and was closed with the Prime Minister’s presentation at around eight on Wednesday night. For the most part, with some notable exceptions, the lengthy session was civil, a call that had been made by leader of the Opposition John Briceño […]

PM Says Cayo South Rep Is a Pig Without Lipstick

But the PM reserved special insult for Cayo South Representative Julius Espat. In his presentation Espat played on the Old English definition of barrow which he claimed referred to a castrated pig. Barrow claims that while he expects nothing different from Espat, he could not leave those comments unremarked.   Prime Minister Dean Barrow “The […]

Prime Minister Claims Opposition’s Debate is Full of Untruths and Half-Truths

And then to the budget for the fiscal year 2016/2017! Starting with the leader of the Opposition, members on that side of the gallery claimed that based on all relevant statistics, the economy was in a recession, and the so-called stability budget was only a rhetorical farce. Prime Minister Barrow lashed back, accusing the Opposition […]

OW South Rep Says Budget Has Nothing for Agro-Productive Sector

A major plank of the Opposition’s debate in the House was agriculture. They pointed to situations in the papaya, shrimp, citrus, sugar and banana and put the blame squarely on the shoulders of Government. Orange Walk South Area Representative Jose Mai led the charge on that front, blaming government’s inattention and neglect on what he […]

PM Rebuts Mai – Says His Administration is All for Agriculture

Prime Minister Barrow says that criticism is unfair based on the many factors which are completely out of government’s control. Additionally, he states that any claim that his administration has neglected the agro-productive sector is untrue, since it is this administration which has done the most for stakeholders in that sector.   Prime Minister Dean […]

Opposition Leader Praised by U.D.P. Mesopotamia Rep

We close tonight’s coverage of the 2016/2017 budget debate with something we’ve hardly before been privileged to witness. The sessions in the House are always confrontational and testy, often hostile and very personal. But on Wednesday, the usually acerbic U.D.P. Whip and representative of Mesopotamia Michael Finnegan was nothing but love. Finnegan maintained throughout the […]

Fisheries Officer Charged for Crazy Sexual Assault

An allegation of sexual assault has been lodged against a Fisheries Officer by a woman who claims he sexually assaulted her at the corner of Regent Street West and the Swing Bridge in Belize City. The thirty-one year old female, a food vendor, claims that after exposing his private to her, he asked for sexual […]

4 Chinese and Male Vendor in Hattieville Charged for Altercation

The Manager of Everyday Supermarket in Hattieville and three employees were arraigned on Wednesday for wounding entertainer Harrison Bruce fourteen days ago.  Wei Lin Huang, Manager of the supermarket, and Da Hong Jiang, Xing Hua Zhang as well as Wei Feng Xu, all residing at of Mile Sixteen, George Price Highway were charged for the […]

ACP Broaster Supports Implementation of Curfew for Minors

As we’ve reported, the suspects in many of the recent crimes in the Belize District are minors and the three regional commanders of the Eastern Division are actively looking at this trend. In south side Belize City, ACP Chester Williams has implemented a curfew to mitigate crime by minors. Today, ACP Edward Broaster gave his […]

Canon Leroy Flowers Reflects on the Meaning of Easter

Easter, like Christmas, is a special time of year.  While many celebrate the birth of Christ on December twenty-fifth, they also mourn his death on Good Friday and honor his resurrection on Easter Monday.  The Christian festival is a time for religious worship, as Christ, the only son of God gave his life to wash […]

Coast Guard Issues Boating Advisory for Easter Season

The exodus from mainland to the cayes began earlier today, with dozens of private vessels heading out to San Pedro, Caye Caulker and other secluded locations.  While Belizeans take to water this Easter weekend, it is important to remember the primary rules of boating safety.  Commander John Borland of the Belize National Coast Guard outlines […]