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Home » March, 2016 You are currently browsing entries posted in: March, 2016

Press Office Director Knocks Down and Kills Cyclist

A mechanic was killed just before midnight on the stretch of highway that traverses the village of Biscayne on the Philip Goldson Highway. The mechanic and resident of Gardenia is a former employee with the National Fire Service; Dean Dawson was riding his bicycle when he was hit by a government pick-up truck driven by […]

NGC Lashes Out at Pastor Scott Stirm

There is a firestorm building over controversial remarks made by Evangelical Pastor Scott Stirm. Tonight, the Garifuna community has come out strongly over recent remarks made by Stirm in reference to their spirituality. The firebrand evangelist appeared before an international congregation where he spoke undesirably about the spiritual practices of the Garifuna people, particularly about […]

Is Evangelism Eroding Traditional Spiritual Beliefs?

Well-known Belizean historian and Garifuna activist Sebastian Cayetano has also weighed in on the controversy.  While expressing disappointment, Cayetano also makes a striking observation in respect of the gradual breakdown of certain aspects of the Maya culture.   Sebastian Cayetano, Garifuna Activist “I am particularly disappointed by the statement because we Garinagu we believe in […]

FCD’s Executive Director says Guatemalans Have Become More Brazen in Chiquibul

On Saturday, Staff Sergeant Richard Lambey was shot on the hand and abdomen while he was on duty at Camp Valentin in the Chiquibul. Lambey was assaulted by a group of men, believed to be from the community of La Rejoya, Guatemala. He was at a routine water supply and administration task when he and […]

A National Cultural Policy is Unveiled in Belize City

The national culture policy took five years to formulate. It was launched today at the Biltmore Plaza at an event attended by stakeholders from across the country. At the centre of the policy is the diversity of the Belizean ethnicity and how their values and richness will propel their economic development. But on the heels […]

Special Constables Detained for Questioning for Stolen Guns

Between Tuesday and Wednesday morning, four-nine millimeter firearms and fifty-five rounds of ammunition were stolen from the office of the Special Constables Department of the Belize City Council. According to the police, the gates to the entrance of the building were not tampered with, but there was breakage at the door of the unit. A […]

Land Dispute in Camalote, One Family is Divided Over a Father’s Legacy

There is a bitter land dispute among two families in Camalote Village which has seen a seventy-five-year-old resident and his older sibling at odds with each other for several years.  Albert Hoare has been occupying a piece of property in that western community for many years.  It was left behind by his deceased father over […]

Chinese Businesswoman Fences in Lake-I Residents

While the Hoare family of Camalote is seeking to resolve its land dispute through legal means, several families in the Lake Independence area are tonight incensed that a Chinese businesswoman has fenced in their property, blocking access to their residence.  This afternoon, when News Five was called out to Mahogany Street Extension, a fence was […]

City Council to Replace Almost Four Thousand Manholes

The Belize City Council is embarking on a citywide project to replace all sewer openings.  That’s almost four thousand manholes at a cost of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.  It’s the brainchild of councilors Michael Theus and Deon Leslie and fits within the context of an overall project to rehabilitate additional streets and drains.  […]

Extortion Attempt on Ex-Minister in Chetumal

A report in the Por Esto, a Mexican news outlet, says that an ex-minister of government was threatened with extortion and Mexican police stepped in to prevent the crime. The unnamed politician was reportedly staying at the Fiesta Inn in neighbouring Chetumal where he received calls at about two on Monday morning demanding a large […]

Javier Constantino is Arraigned for Common Assault, Gets 3 years for Prior Offense

Thirty-nine year old Javier Constantino, a Belize City resident, was before the court on Wednesday for a charge of common assault but an old conviction came back to haunt him and landed him behind bars. The new charge of common assault relates to an incident against his brother Corey Constantino which occurred on March twenty-eighth, […]

Solar Panels Are Being Stolen from G.O.B. Project in Belmopan

Belmopan police are reporting the robbery of solar panels from a government project. According to the Project Engineer for Road Safety project of the Ministry of Works, this past Tuesday, they detected that the solar panels attached to the radar signs between miles thirty-eight and thirty-nine on the George Price Highway were stolen. The panels […]

Gun Retrieved from City Streets

Earlier this week, four firearms were stolen from the Special Constables Department of the Belize City Council. Those have not been recovered and likely to end up on the streets but this morning, the North Side Strike Team conducted a search in the Munoz Alley, Belize City, and found this point thirty-eight revolver with five […]

An Exchange of Stolen Vehicles Between Belizean and Guatemalan Authorities

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs through Ambassador Said Badi Guerra has secured the return of a pick-up truck stolen earlier this year from Assistant Superintendent Selwyn Tillett. The vehicle was jacked in Benque Viejo del Carmen and promptly taken across the border on February fourteenth. The vehicle belongs to Tillett’s son-in-law and was found in an […]

Marie Sharp to be Inducted in Pepper Hall of Fame

It’s a good week for outstanding Belizean women. Immigration Officer Deborah Baptist Estrada was singled out as the first Belizean woman to promote issues such as human and gender rights, peace and other social issues. Her recognition as made by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. Today, we can report that world-renowned pepper producer Marie […]

Ombudsman’s Annual Report Details Over 200 New Complaints

The annual report issued by the Office of the Ombudsman has been released. The document comprises thirty-nine pages and covers the period of January first to December thirty-first, 2015. Prepared by Ombudsman Lionel Arzu, the document will be tabled in the House and Senate as is required by law.  A total of two hundred and […]

Police Department Still Holds the Highest Number of Grievances

Most of the 2015 complaints originated from the Belize District. The Cayo District accounted for the second largest percentage and the remainder was spread evenly among the other four districts. As it relates to the investigations: thirty-three point six percent of complaints are under investigation; only one point four percent have been investigated and as much as […]

PACT Disburses Over One Million Dollars in Grants

Over one million dollars were disbursed today by the Protected Areas Conservation Trust. Six entities were beneficiaries, with the largest sum going to the Belize Audubon Society for the sustainable management of three reserves which they co-manage.  Others who received funding Steadfast Tourism and Conservation Association, the Community Baboon Sanctuary Women’s Conservation Group, the Sarteneja […]

B.T.B. Hosts Public Consultations, Stakeholders React

On Wednesday evening, there was a meeting between executives of the Florida Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) and various stakeholders of the cruise tourism industry in Belize, at the Old Belize Center. A spokesperson for the Belize Tourism Board told us that it was closed to the press – an insiders’ only event to discuss best […]

Who is Cayo North Area Rep Omar Figueroa Supporting in Leadership Race?

In news of a political nature, the U.D.P. convention for a first deputy party leader will be held in June or July. Minister of Education Patrick Faber at the launch of his candidacy received the endorsement of senior colleagues in the U.D.P. and other newcomers to his party. Today, we asked Minister Omar Figueroa who […]