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Home » March, 2016 You are currently browsing entries posted in: March, 2016

Thieves Make Off with 4 City Council Guns and Ammo to Boot

There’s a major burglary to report tonight which happened overnight and from the looks of it, the crime could be an inside job. Four guns and live rounds of ammunition were stolen from the offices of the Special Constables Department of the Belize City Council during the course of Tuesday evening and this morning. Reports […]

Was Theft of Guns an Inside Job?

There were no security guards stationed at the building during the burglary and it is more than likely that the stolen firearms will end up on the streets of the Old Capital.   Insp. Alejandro Cowo, O.C., CIB, Eastern Division South “Of course we have concerns. We have just gotten about four or five guns […]

Injured B.D.F. Staff Sergeant Richard Lambey is Released from K.H.M.H.

This morning, Staff Sergeant Richard Lambey was released from the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital where he was receiving treatment for injuries to his hand and abdomen.  Lambey was promptly handed over to the Belize Defense Force accompanied by his family. He was shot on March twenty-sixth about four hundred meters east of the Belize/Guatemala border […]

Charges Withdrawn from 2 of the Santa Cruz Thirteen

This morning, ten months after their arrests, the Santa Cruz Thirteen were back in court.  A police raid in the early hours of June twenty-fourth of last year, resulted in the arrest of twelve villagers from the southern community of Santa Cruz and MLA Spokesperson Cristina Coc.  A number of officers descended on the homes […]

Case Against Coastguard Officer Keyren Tzib is Adjourned

Tonight, Coastguard officer Keyren Tzib remains at home as she waits to learn her fate in the stabbing death of her common-law husband, Thythis Blancaneaux. He was fatally wounded on Saturday, July eighteenth, 2015 at their home in the Lord’s Bank area, Ladyville, on the Phillip Goldson Highway following a domestic dispute. This morning, Tzib […]

Mother of Stabbing Victim Ezekiel McKoy Needs Assistance with Her Son

Ezekiel McKoy is on life support at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital. The Belize City resident was stabbed multiple times on the neck, back and arms and he was found hemorrhaging on Water Lane on Sunday morning. It took some time for police to identify him and locate his family; that is until today when […]

Greg Lovell is Suspended from Cycling

The Results Management Authority of the Regional Anti-Doping Organisation has confirmed that well-known cyclist Gregory Lovell has tested positive for the In-competition prohibited substance Dexamethasone a Glucocorticoid steroid. The test was administered by the National Anti-Doping Organisation of Belize (NADO) in connection with the twenty-sixth Annual New Year’s Day KREM Cycling Classic. After two hearings […]

Cinderella Plaza Finally Begins Its Transformation

After a significant delay, work is about to begin on the transformation of the Cinderella Plaza in Belize City. Mayor Darrell Bradley says that the contract for the four-million-dollar project was granted to R.J.B. Construction Limited, the company that was responsible for the rebuilding of Chetumal Street and a number of other infrastructural projects. Mayor […]

Pastor Scott Stirm in Hot Water

Evangelical Pastor Scott Stirm has come under fire for remarks he purportedly made about the sacred “Dugu” ceremony of the Garifuna on a webcast beamed to the U.S. earlier this month. So controversial were his remarks that during last week’s House debate, Minister of State Frank “Papa” Mena called on him to take the next […]

SIB Releases Quarterly Economic Indicators

Indicators of the performance of the economy for the last three months of 2015 and the first three months of 2016 were released today by the Statistical Institute of Belize. It shows that while there was increased economic activity over the same period last year. But as it relates to this year, imports are down […]

An Investigation into Allegations of Police Brutality in Ladyville

Following the arrests of Trevor McFoy and a seventeen-year-old student for allegedly robbing a gas station in Scotland Half Moon, officers attached to Rural Eastern Division have come under fire for reportedly beating up the two suspects.  Both young men were arraigned before Magistrate Deborah Rogers on Monday.  Immediately after their court appearance, Senior Counsel […]

Belize Waste Control Employee Charged with Drug Trafficking

A Belize Waste Control employee picked up his first conviction for drug trafficking today in the court room of Magistrate Deborah Rogers. Deon Jex was slapped with the mandatory non-custodial sentence and fined ten thousand dollars which he has to pay within a year. Jex was busted on Friday, March twenty-fifth, 2016 on Sittee Street, […]

Port Commander Wins International Women of Courage Award

But there is some good news to report and that is because Port Commander of Immigration and Nationality Department Debra Baptist-Estrada has won the International Women of Courage Award.  The award is given annually to women who have gone the extra mile to show leadership in advocating for peace, justice, human rights, gender equality and women’s […]

An Ecumenical Chapel is Inaugurated at K.H.M.H.

Built with Petrocaribe funds, a chapel was today inaugurated on the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital compound. It will be used by religious denominations across the board and according to hospital authorities, while it will serve as a place to offer comfort and consolation; it also helps those at the hospital who administer healthcare. News Five’s […]

Rural Eastern Division Incentivizes Police Officers to be Professional

An initiative to incentivize officers attached to Rural Eastern Division was launched earlier today in Ladyville.  The top twenty-five men and women in law enforcement working within that jurisdiction will receive an additional five hundred dollars at the end of the year for executing their assigned duties with utmost professionalism.  It’s a partnership between the […]

Is Micah Goodin Sour Grapes After Losing District Youth Council Elections?

Three weeks ago, the Department of Youth Services had its Youth Council Elections. Micah Goodin and Stafin Duncan vied for the top spot in the Belize District; the race ended in a tie. On March tenth, a bye-election was held and Duncan came out on top. The results stirred controversy because it looked like party […]