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Home » March, 2016 You are currently browsing entries posted in: March, 2016

A Brazen Murder at the Yarborough Green

A late evening press conference convened by Minister of Foreign Affairs Wilfred Elrington, upon his return from a meeting at the O.A.S. in Washington, has just concluded.  The brief was held to update the media on a round of discussions between Belize and Guatemala in respect of the ongoing territorial dispute.  We’ll have more on […]

A 14-year-old is Arraigned for Murder of Mario Trotman

While police have two minors, ages fifteen and sixteen, in custody for the murder of Hemsley, a fourteen-year-old boy has been charged for Tuesday’s murder of Mario Trotman. This morning, the minor was arraigned in the Belize City Family Court and read a single charge of murder. Police believe that he was the one who […]

9 O’clock Curfew to be Imposed on All Belize City Minors

Three minors have been detained as the gunmen in two of the recent homicides in the city; it’s a reality that is frightening because it is believed that minors are being recruited by gangs to commit these heinous crimes.  But Assistant Commissioner of Police Chester Williams, whose jurisdiction these murders were committed, is not taking […]

Be Loving And Cease Killing: A BLACK March Against Crime & Violence

Hundreds of Belize City residents participated in a BLACK March this morning. The procession is the second of its kind and seeks to create awareness on the effects of crime and violence in the city. News Five’s Duane Moody joined in as the wave of black and white flooded the city streets and made its […]

President Ma Bids Adieu to the Jewel

Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou departed Belize around eleven o’clock this morning, following an overnight visit during which he met with various government officials, including heads of state from St. Kitts, St. Lucia and St. Vincent.  His journey to the Jewel, only the second since assuming office in 2008, was the final stop on a farewell […]

Foreign Minister Holds Conference Following Meeting with Guatemala in Washington

Minister of Foreign Affairs Wilfred Elrington is back in the country, following high-level meetings at the O.A.S. headquarters in Washington D.C. He was accompanied by Ambassadors Assad Shoman, Alexis Rosado and Pat Andrews. Based on very evident concern expressed by G.O.B. about an incident on Saturday in the Sarstoon, it was expected that that issue […]

Is BTV to Blame for Heightened Tension in Sarstoon?

The conference held by Foreign Minister Elrington was delayed because the Belizean delegation spent much of the afternoon briefing Prime Minister Dean Barrow and Opposition Leader John Briceño. But we can tell you that the Belize Territorial Volunteers was in the spotlight for much of it. Every area of government has maintained that the cause […]

A Peaceful Solution for Age-old Territorial Dispute, is It Possible?

A government release issued on Sunday, after a military to military incident in the Sarstoon on Saturday made reference to tensions being at an all time high, and spoke of hostilities and threatening actions by Guatemala military. That stance and the one taken by Minister Elrington today seem markedly different. The situation seemed so critical […]

Assad Shoman Weighs in on BTV and Sarstoon Debacle

Ambassador Assad Shoman is a member of the current negotiating team, and negotiating teams of the past. In fact, he is perhaps the most experienced member on that team. He gave us his input on what has changed in the negotiating atmosphere, and also his view on blaming the BTV for increased aggression in the […]

COLA Says Government is Finally Seeing the Light in Sarstoon Dispute

Across the country, much has been said in the wake of the most recent bout between Belize and Guatemala over access to the Sarstoon River.  Since the standoff at the estuary made headlines on Monday, politicians, government officials and even laymen have all chimed in on the heated conversation.  On Wednesday, grassroots organization COLA issued […]

A Ban on All Guatemalan Imports?

In the aftermath of last Saturday’s armed confrontation, the Belize Territorial Volunteers have come under heavy criticism for unsolicited visits to the Sarstoon area.  It is strongly believed that the BTV-led expeditions into the area under dispute have only served to increase hostility between armed forces on both sides of the southern border.  Earlier today, […]

Citrus Woes, Fruit Payments Trickling In Late

For the past several weeks we have been reporting on a looming cash flow crisis within the citrus industry.  Growers have not been receiving fruit payments from Citrus Products of Belize Limited in a timely manner, consistent with an approved weekly schedule.  So, what’s the reason for the unforeseen delay?  Well, CPBL is awaiting a […]

HIV/AIDS Awareness Sees Launch of Mobile App

A mobile application to test your knowledge of HIV/AIDS was launched by the National AIDS Commission earlier today.  The product of two years of careful research, development and meticulous fine tuning, Infection made its official debut this morning on Google Play.  Its launch was also celebrated during a brief ceremony at the secretariat.  David Alfaro, […]

Infection – Get it Now on Google Play!

According to Chairperson Laura Longsworth, the rationale behind the development of the software was to come up with an interactive approach to sharing critical information about the virus with a younger, more tech savvy audience.   Laura Longsworth, Chairperson, National AIDS Commission “The decision to develop the app is linked to a strategy, the National […]

Healthy Living: Belize Family Life Association’s Chit Chat

Chit Chat – a program executed by Belize Family Life Association since 2013. It connects curious youths with accurate and age-appropriate sexual reproductive health information using technology. In tonight’s episode of Healthy Living, we find out more about this innovative service.   Marleni Cuellar, Reporting In 2013, the Belize Family Life Association launched a text […]