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Home » March, 2016 You are currently browsing entries posted in: March, 2016

A Guatemalan Poacher is Shot South of Chiquibul Forest

There is a confirmed report tonight of a Guatemalan national being shot in an area south of the Chiquibul known as Cebada.  Brigadier General David Jones told News Five earlier this evening that a B.D.F. patrol came into contact with civilians in the vicinity.  There was a brief exchange of gunfire which resulted in the […]

A Mother of 7 is Hacked to Death by Her Common-law Husband

Domestic violence has been the cause of several murders in 2015. Tonight, there is a report of a femicide in which the life of a forty-five year old woman of Salvapan was taken by her common-law husband. Candy Reymundo, an entrepreneur and mother of seven children, sold plantain chips in the area and had been […]

Foreign Minister Elrington Says Belize has no Defense Guarantee

In an extended and exclusive interview this morning with Foreign Minister Wilfred Elrington, we touched on a long list of pressing issues in respect of the Sarstoon waters in southern Belize where the Guatemalan military has been illegally entering Belize’s territorial waters. Last Saturday, it was patently clear that the military blocked the Belize Territorial […]

A Diplomatic Note is Sent to Guatemalan Government

This morning, we also asked about the diplomatic note that was to be dispatched to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Guatemala, in light of the incursion in the Sarstoon by Guatemalan gunboats on Saturday.  Elrington confirmed that the note has been sent but insisted that such diplomatic practices are not the solution to the […]

What’s the Latest on Independent Investigation into Deadly Youth Hostel Fire?

On November seventh, 2015 a fire broke inside one of the buildings at the Princess Royal Youth Hostel at mile twenty-one and a half on the George Price Highway. Three female minors, who were locked away in one of the rooms, lost their lives in the inferno. There was public outcry that negligence on the […]

Illegal Guatemalan Settlements Popping Up in Belize

There are reports of new Guatemalan settlements popping up in areas of southern Belize. Those are in addition to others in the Chiquibul where xateros and gold-panners operate within the reserve. On Saturday, at the start of the BTV expedition, activist and B.P.P. Vice President, Wil Maheia pointed to some new settlements where Guatemalans were […]

Is Burning Down Their Structures a Solution to the Problem?

The issue of illegal settlements was raised with the Foreign Minister. His response was that Belize is likely to continue to rely on the O.A.S. to assist in the removal of the settlements. Elrington says burning down their structures is not the answer.   Wilfred “Sedi” Elrington, Minister of Foreign Affairs “They’ve always been coming […]

Maya Leaders Alliance Weighs in on Continuing Incursions in the South

Program Coordinator for the Maya Leaders Alliance, Pablo Mis, has also weighed in on the ongoing issue.  Despite all efforts to notify relevant authorities of any incursions, it requires a collective endeavor to tackle the problem from within.   On the Phone: Pablo Mis, Program Coordinator, MLA “We, for some time now have always reported […]

What’s Sedi’s Take on O.A.S. Involvement? Is Belize Getting Needed Support?

Does the government support the re-internalization of the territorial dispute?  The P.U.P. has made that recommendation given the current situation in the south where the Guatemalan military appears to be gaining ground. The Foreign Minister says that G.O.B. is getting support through the regional body, the Organization of American States.   Wilfred “Sedi” Elrington, Minister […]

BA1 Project Rolls Out Seed Capital to 240 Belizean Women

“Opportunities, Risks, and Victories: Women carving their own images on Belize’s canvas” – it’s the theme for a project ceremony held today at the Radisson that empowers women into achieving life goals and improving their economic conditions. Today, some two hundred and forty women from across the country received seed capital grants as a part […]

C.E.O. Judith Alpuche Explains BA1 Project Process

The symbolic handing over ceremony held today signals the success of stage one of the project, which is being carried out by the Government of Belize through the Women’s Department, the Ministry of Human Development, Social Transformation and Poverty Alleviation and the Belize Trade and Investment Development Service (BELTRAIDE). In collaboration with the International Organization […]

UWI Hosts ZIKA Symposium

A few weeks ago, the University of the West Indies (UWI) marshaled a task force consisting of its best medical practitioners and experts for the express purpose of fighting the Zika virus. With transmission reported in six Caribbean countries, the issue has become important enough that it was on the agenda of the recent CARICOM […]

Multimillion Dollar Education Project Launched in the North

The University of Belize, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports and the European Union today launched a two-year project at the Corozal Junior College to upgrade the quality and relevance of early childhood and secondary education in the north. The project, valued at over three million Belize dollars, seeks to […]

4 Fishermen Arraigned for Possession of Undersized Conchs

On Thursday, we reported on a group of fishermen that was busted with over one thousand undersized conchs.  The men were onboard a vessel which was located south of Belize City when a fisheries patrol boat approached.  A search of the Zamira yielded a large quantity of illegally harvested seafood and today those men were […]

Ruta Maya 2016, Koop Sheet Metal Dominates First Leg of Annual Race

This morning at the foot of the Hawksworth Bridge in San Ignacio, sixty teams of paddlers gathered on the Macal River to commence. The annual La Ruta Maya Challenge.  It was quite a spectacle, as canoes of all colors and paddlers of all ages raced towards the low-lying bridge in a bid to capture the […]