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Home » March, 2016 You are currently browsing entries posted in: March, 2016

Another Sarstoon Standoff: Armed Forces Stare Each Other Down at F.O.B.

There is currently unease in the halls of government following an incident in the Sarstoon on Saturday. While reports started circulating that night, the first official verification came via G.O.B. release twenty-four hours after, on Sunday evening. That release acknowledged that tension in the Sarstoon was at an all time high, and used language like […]

Guatemala Denies B.D.F. Account of What Transpired on Sarstoon River

In that release issued Sunday, the Government also stated that it would send a strongly worded protest note to Guatemala to condemn the very aggressive action by its military in the Sarstoon, as well as the encroachment into Belizean waters near the Forward Operating Base on the banks of the Sarstoon. That has actually been […]

PM Acknowledges Need for Real Protocols to Govern Sarstoon Area

While Belize has operated on the premise that at least half of the Sarstoon is sovereign territory, the Guatemalans claim that the Sarstoon, and much more than the Sarstoon is theirs. Neither side is willing to abandon its position. But recent events show that Guatemala is quite prepared to step forward aggressively, and PM Barrow […]

What Does BTV Have to do with Recent Sarstoon Outface?

We first heard about the BTV in the role of troublemakers in 2015, after Guatemalan gunboats attempted to stop boats carrying BTV expedition members who were intent on circling Sarstoon Island. Back then, both the Prime Minister and Brigadier General David Jones claimed that the actions of the BTV ratcheted up the tension. That’s been […]

Will Weekend Aggression Take Center Stage at O.A.S. Meeting in Washington?

But with all that said, PM Barrow is adamant that there must be a resort to democracy to resolve this issue, since war is unthinkable and cannot be contemplated. And that’s where a planned ministerial mission headed to Washington comes in. The group, led by Minister of Foreign Affairs Wilfred Elrington was set to meet […]

Taking the Diplomatic Route and Internationalizing Our Territorial Dispute

And that brings us to the matter of internationalizing the issue. The government argues that it has been doing just that. But critics say that it is not enough to just keep friends regionally and far abroad in the loop, but rather much more important to push how critical the situation has become and that […]

People’s United Party Applauds B.D.F.’s Bravery and Steadfastness

The People’s United Party has also weighed in on the weekend events. In a release issued today the opposition condemns the illegal military incursion by the Guatemalan Armed Forces and deplores the hostile and aggressive attitude of the G.A.F. towards the B.D.F.   The P.U.P. says that the incident is another violation of international law by […]

Belize City Woman Murdered After Weekend Concert

A Belize City mother of two was shot and killed early on Sunday morning. It is a tragic ending to the life of thirty-four year old Tanika Lemoth as women all over celebrate Women’s Month. Lemoth was travelling in a taxi when the shooting took place in the area of Saint John’s Vianney on Faber’s […]

A Confused Cyclist is Fatally Injured on Southern Highway

A cyclist riding erratically along the Southern Highway lost his life shortly before one o’clock this morning in a deadly collision.  The fatal road traffic accident happened in the vicinity of Forest Home Village and involved several police officers inside a stationary pickup truck.  They were responding to an incident in the area when they […]

What Does Manny H Have to Say About Gapi’s Resignation?

The decision by Deputy Prime Minister Gaspar Vega not to seek re-election as Deputy Party Leader and Area Rep for Orange Walk North has sent the U.D.P. in a tailspin. The party convention takes place this weekend in Dangriga and while elections for the DPL post are not scheduled, there are some positioning themselves to […]

Siltation at the Belize City Harbor, a Plan to Address the Buildup

News Five also took the opportunity to ask B.T.B. reps about the extreme case of siltation in the Belize City Harbor, particularly in front of the Bliss Center for the Performing Arts. The accumulating silt is reducing the channel used by water taxis and tenders in the area. Now traditionally, the Fort Street Tourism Village […]

Over 7000 Students Sit Annual P.S.E.

Across the country, students sat the first phase of the Primary School Examinations in English and the Sciences. Most of the seven thousand plus students studiously prepared for the anticipated exams; the results often determine placement for high schools. Despite readiness to take the tests, there was eagerness as well as nervousness among the students. […]

Beachfront Reclaimed on La Isla Carinosa

Sun and beach are two principal attractions that lure visitors to Belize. In the case of Caye Caulker or La Isla Carinosa swimming, surfing, sailing or other water sports are favorite activities. This past weekend, a five-month initiative was completed to improve public beaches on the island as part of the National Sustainable Tourism Development […]

A New and Improved Handicraft Center for Caye Caulker

The reclamation works will be complimented by the establishment of an improved craft center for local artisans in Caye Caulker. Minister Heredia says that additional monies for small projects were also allocated through the B.T.B. for the construction of stalls along the newly reclaimed beach and will add to the tourism experience on the island. […]

G.O.B. to Invest in Expanding Ocean Academy

On the occasion of a beach reclamation initiative, the Minister of Tourism Manuel Heredia took the opportunity to comment on an issue of education. It involves the rapidly growing Ocean Academy, the only high school on Caye Caulker. The minister says that G.O.B. is finally assisting with the expansion of the high school.    Manuel […]

PetroCaribe and Food Security in Southern Belize

A tripartite agreement to eradicate hunger in six southern communities within the Toledo District was endorsed this afternoon by the Government of Belize, PetroCaribe and the Food and Agriculture Organization.  Under an initiative known as FAO Agreement Hugo Chavez Frias, a project to assist these villages with corn and beans has been launched.  The FAO, […]

Food & Agriculture Organization Joins G.O.B. and Petrocaribe in Signing Agreement

The action plan, says Montero, a representative of the Ministry of Agriculture, will also assist in mitigating post-harvest losses.   Emilio Montero, Ministry of Agriculture “The geographic area that has been selected through the FAO is the Toledo District in six communities along the new Southern Highway.  As you are very well aware there is […]

Salvadoran National Caught Fishing Illegally in Cockscomb Basin

Dangriga police have detained a Salvadoran national who was illegally fishing and hunting in the Cockscomb Basin Natural Reserve.  On Friday morning, Belize Defense Force soldiers and rangers were on patrol in the area when they spotted two men in a kayak who attempted to escape detention by jumping into the Swasey River. Of the […]

Sporting Highlights with James Adderley

Good evening I’m James Adderley and this is Sports Monday.   Wagiya FC rolled into the FFB Stadium Saturday night to be hosted by a singing Belmopan Bandits. Some 15 minutes into the Belmopan team pushing the pace when Amilton sets up El Capitan Elroy Smith and really he should have done better with his […]