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Land Borders Remain Closed!

Unlike the Philip Goldson International Airport, land borders will remain closed. The Attorney General made it abundantly clear that the country’s borders with Mexico and Guatemala will remain close for the foreseeable future, especially since COVID-19 cases in both countries have been drastically increasing. Border jumpers rule remains in effect and, according to Peyrefitte, persons […]

Child Daycares Centers Can Now Open

As of Wednesday, child daycare centers will be able to open and operate. Daycares were closed down because such a facility can be particularly fertile places for the spread of contagious illnesses, especially since children are more susceptible to the spread of infectious diseases. With the limits of social gathering set to expire, Attorney General […]

Illegal Honduran Fisher Is Belize’s 24th COVID-19 Patient

Border jumpers are of concern for the spread of the virus.  Belize recorded its twenty-fourth case of COVID-19 on Friday. The patient is a Honduran male who was caught fishing illegally in Belizean waters. He was detained off the coast of Placencia with two other Honduran nationals who have tested negative for the novel coronavirus. […]

Murder in the West!

A Bullet Tree Village resident was killed over the weekend. His body was discovered in the early hours of Sunday morning. Tonight the family says that they don’t know who wanted him dead. The circumstances of Isaias Oroman’s encounter with his killer remain unknown tonight – but reports say that cops are questioning a B.D.F. […]

Land Problems in Red Bank Cause Fracture Within Village Council

Another land dispute is brewing; this time in southern Belize. The Red Bank village chairman is in the eye of a storm for distributing lands without consulting with the rest of council. Over the weekend, it became crystal clear that the council was not taking the heavy handedness lightly and a public meeting was held […]

Red Bank Chairman Explains Land Issue

According to the chairman, a public meeting was held in October 2019 to address the concerns of the community where land was concerned.  At that gathering, residents were informed that surveying of land would have been conducted in an identified area within the village, but that monies would need to be collected to cover the […]

Another Gas Station being Built Near PG

A stop order was issued on the construction of gas station in Punta Gorda recently after the public rose up against it. But over the weekend, about a mile away, work began for another gas station. The development is also mired in controversy because certain specifications are not been adhered to. And like the gas […]

Fatal Motorcycle Accident Claims Life of 27-year-old

A motorcycle enthusiast is dead following a road traffic accident just before midday today on La Loma Luz Boulevard in Santa Elena Town. Kemel Espat was on his motorcycle when he met the deadly crash. Another motorist on the road, Rubina Forte, spoke with our colleague Kent Pandy shortly after the deadly collision. Forte explains […]

Belize Will Be Different from Jamaica, Antigua

One more matter from Ask the Expert today…Jamaica added six new cases of COVID-19 to its tally on Sunday, making the cumulative number of confirmed cases totaling six hundred and ninety-six. Five of the cases are imported, with the individuals having arrived on flights from the United States, while one is a contact of an […]

A Learning Recovery Month for Students

The 2019/2020 school year officially closes on June thirtieth after three months that schools physically closed at the start of the lockdown. But CSEC preparations have been ongoing for the past two weeks for fourth form students across the country to prepare them for the exams. Earlier this month, the Ministry of Education announced that […]

Guidelines for Schools Given the New Norm

Preparations are underway for students to return to the classrooms on August tenth within days of the reopening the Philip Goldson Airport.  The Chief Education Officer says that there will be new norms as it relates to infrastructure at schools as well as the way classes are administered. First, the use of masks and sanitization […]

10 Families are Issued Keys to their New Homes at Eagle JEM Estate

A housing development near mile fourteen on the Philip Goldson Highway is attracting dozens of first time homeowners. Eagle JEM Estate was launched by the Holy Redeemer Credit Union last year and on Saturday, ten families got the keys to their new houses in the first phase.  More than fifty other families will be qualifying […]

H.R.C.U. to Issue Education Grants

In addition, to providing homes for its member owners, the Holy Redeemer Credit Union is once again coming through with education grants to assist students on their academic journey. In recent weeks, a number of corporate citizens have stepped up to provide tuition scholarships for students. Last year, H.R.C.U. issued over four hundred thousand dollars […]

The Financial Position of the Council as Recovers from COVID-19

COVID-19 affected many businesses, including the town and city councils across the country; in Belize City, the revenue stream trickled as services came to a screeching halt, though CitCo provided some services virtually.  But as the economy reopened, the revenue flow of the Belize City Council picked up. Mayor Bernard Wagner spoke to the media […]

Series 1 of Municipal Bond a Success; 23 Streets to be Fixed!

In March, prior to the COVID-19 lockdown, the Belize City Council launched a ten-million-dollar municipal bond. Back then, it was announced, that the monies would be used to retire any existing debt, pay fees and expenses, reduce short-term financing costs and fund projects or activities within the city. Among those projects is the rehabilitation of […]

Flood Mitigation Project Underway in Yarborough

There is currently work being conducted on the canal in the Yarborough area of Belize City.  A number of piles are in the process of being laid as the Ministry of Works in collaboration with the Belize City Council is working overtime to further assist with flood mitigation efforts as well as proper drainage on […]

Foodie Expo Held in Belize City

A gastronomic event took place this weekend; it was a Foodie Expo that brought together persons in the food industry.  It was staged at 501 Hub in Belize City on Saturday.  Due to the lookdown and the closure of restaurants and food vending, these businesses have taken a hit, so the expo presented them with […]

A First Cohort of Entrepreneurs from the Belize Accelerator Program

The Belize City Council has embarked on a programme to assist new businesses. They are providing training and some equipment to assist businesses to get off the ground. The initiative, according to Belize City Mayor Bernard Wagner, will create employment opportunities to the many who have been negatively impacted by COVID-19. Here is News Five’s […]

Sparks Fly Over Loan Motions

On Friday, sparks flew in the National Assembly building during the Sitting of the House of Representatives when loan motions were tabled.  One such involved the Caribbean Development Bank COVID-19 Emergency Response Support Loan motion of fifteen million U.S. dollars, presented by Prime Minister Barrow. The purpose of the loan is to provide funds to […]

Briceño says Barrow Playing Politics with Loan Money

According to Opposition Leader John Briceño, Prime Minister Dean Barrow is playing politics. Briceño says that the Prime Minister is either not understanding the P.U.P.’s point or he was being disingenuous.   John Briceño, Leader of the Opposition “The point that I am trying to make and maybe the Prime Minister was not listening intently […]

Loan for Cane Famers Not Enough

The C.D.B. Enhancing Sugar Cane Farmers Resilience to Natural Hazard Events Loan motion was also tabled in the House on Friday. It is for one million U.S. dollars and the purpose is to assist the thousands of sugarcane farmers who were affected by the 2019 drought. The problem is that there are over four thousand […]

PM Dean Barrow Says Ex-CJ’s Ruling Against G.O.B. is a Non-Decision

“It is a non-decision” – that is what Prime Minister Dean Barrow stunningly said today during the Sitting of the House of Representatives in Belmopan. PM Barrow was speaking on the former Chief Justice’s ruling on January thirty-first, 2020. The then CJ, Kenneth Benjamin, ruled in favour of the Opposition and against the Barrow Administration, […]

P.U.P. Says All Legal Means Will Be Exhausted to Uphold Ex-CJ’s Ruling

The People’s United Party is not sitting down on this matter and says it will take the legal fight to the Caribbean Court of Justice if they have to. When the PM stated that the former Chief Justice’s oral ruling was a non-decision, member for Cayo South Julius Espat was outraged; Espat had steered the […]

Four Loan Motions Tabled in the House

At today’s sitting of the House of Representatives, four loan motions were tabled for approval, including the twelve million U.S. dollars from the I.D.B. for COVID-19 relief. The government had approached the I.D.B. for financial assistance for a programme to support minimum income levels for those affected by the coronavirus in the immediate period. A […]

Bondholders Form Creditor Committee to Consider Barrow’s Request

Belize’s bondholders have formed a creditor committee which will work with the Belizean government after they were asked to agree to defer payment of interest on the thirteen million U.S. dollar bonds. Reuters is reporting that the “committee looks forward to engaging with the government to exchange views on the economic pressures that may constrain […]