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Home » September, 2000 You are currently browsing entries posted in: September, 2000

Castillo group presents cheque to children’s home

Two weeks ago the Santiago Castillo group of companies hosted a one day fair to raise money for the Dorothy Menzies Child Care Centre on St. Thomas street. Today the children’s home received its cheque for $20,000. The money raised will be used to establish a counseling service urgently needed at the Home. Anuar Flores, […]

Human rights lawyers condemn prison flogging

Last night’s edition of “One on One with Dickie Bradley” could have easily turned into boring dialogue between a bunch of long winded lawyers. Instead the participants, fresh from a three day international conference on human rights, used the occasion to put some licks on the show’s host…and his fondness for corporal punishment. Dickie Bradley […]

Fonseca takes top poetry prize

The September Celebrations Committee held its annual poetry competition at Gwen Lizarraga, Wednesday night. The fifteen finalists recited poems under the theme Many Origins, One Home Belize. The principal of Gwen Lizarraga read “The Ties That Binds Us” which was written by the guest of honor, Doctor Corinth Morter Lewis. The thousand dollar first prize […]

BBA reverses position on Krem TV license

He compared its power to that of an army of ten thousand men, but when the Prime Minister made his now famous remark about television it is doubtful that Said Musa was referring specifically to a TV license for Krem Radio. That license, which we reported had been recommended by the Belize Broadcasting Authority last […]

Olympics begin Friday; Belize roots for Marion

In related media news that was supposed to dominate the week’s headlines, the Olympic Games begin tomorrow in Australia. Belize, with more officials than athletes, will not be a factor in Sydney, but that deficiency is more than balanced by the presence of Marion Jones. Jones, the world’s fastest woman, has a shot at winning […]

Govt. announces major free zone expansion

For most Belizeans the Corozal Free Zone is a tantalizing piece of forbidden fruit, a place where the sweet taste of cut rate fashion, duty free luxuries and dollar beer is officially denied to all but a fortunate few. But to planners in Belmopan the zone is ripe for the transition from foreign exchange nightmare […]

Children rally for independence

Every year at this time Belize’s school children get a chance to have their own special celebration. This morning I was on hand as the city’s students traded their chairs and desks for bleachers and wide open spaces. Jacqueline Woods, Reporting Thousands of Belize City Primary School students filled the bleachers inside the City Centre […]

Belize women compete in football

For the next two weeks the world sporting spotlight may shine on Sydney, Australia, but for an energetic group of Belizeans the gold lies not down under, but over yonder. Jacqueline Woods, Reporting Since the past three weeks, the first National Female Football Team has been practicing for their upcoming quadrangular match in Campeche, Mexico. […]

Defective tires replaced by Firestone dealer

It has led the U.S. newscasts for several weeks: The story of how millions of defective Firestone tires were loosed on an unsuspecting public, causing perhaps hundreds of highway deaths and injuries. All the publicity prompted News Five’s Jose Sanchez to see if any of those deadly tires made their way down to Belize. Jose […]

Final tally: 184 guns destroyed

The Cash for Guns programme and its accompanying amnesty are now history. Whether it will be successful in curbing violent crime may never be known, but what is certain, is that the arsenal of illegal guns available for use by criminals has been significantly reduced. Jacqueline Woods, Reporting A total of 184 guns plus a […]

Mother claims taxi killed child

When we reported the incident on yesterday’s newscast it came across as one of many tragic events that wind their way from the streets to the files of the police department. But when I visited the scene this morning I discovered that the death of a baby boy in Belize City was anything but routine… […]

Prime Minister meets California Belizeans

The relationship between Belizeans residing here at home and those who live abroad is an often complicated one. There was a time, for example, when thousands of Belizeans were dependent on a monthly cheque from stateside relatives to keep them in rice and beans, not to mention the latest fashion. And while that source of […]

Miss Belize returns for a visit

In other news from the Belize-American community, the reigning Miss Belize, Shiemicka Richardson, will be visiting this country to take part in the September celebrations. Having represented Belize in the Miss Universe Pageant, the young lady who “guaranteed” Belizeans that she would place in the top ten, is now singing a less boastful tune. “It’s […]

Expo 2000 will highlight local business

This weekend, Expo Belize 2000 kicks off at the SJC gymnasium. This year the two-day event promises to be bigger with more displays and giveaways for the millennium show. The exposition is held to highlight what is available on the Belizean market and it is also an excellent opportunity for consumers to save money with […]

Convicted killer escapes from Hattieville

Two years ago he brutally killed a British volunteer…and tonight Estevan Sho is on the loose. The convicted murderer escaped from the maximum-security section of Hattieville Prison Thursday night. Why the escape was not reported to the media until today is anybody’s guess–as is the location of Sho. Another disturbing aspect of the jailbreak is […]

Fuel prices reach highest levels

Belizeans who woke up on Tenth morning with a goma were forced to take another dose of Tylenol when they went to the gas station. As of Sunday, fuel prices at the retail pump increased by an average of over a shilling per gallon, the result of higher acquisition costs. World crude oil prices are […]

3 die in weekend traffic accidents

One possible benefit of the rise in fuel prices is that if people drive less there may be fewer traffic fatalities. This weekend was a particularly bloody one with three people dying in separate accidents. On Friday night a bicyclist, Elmer Eck of Chan Chen village, was killed when he was knocked down on the […]

Belize hosts international human rights conference

With incidents of police brutality being reported in record numbers it is perhaps fitting that Belize is the venue for an international conference on human rights. News Five’s Jose Sanchez was on hand for the opening. Jose Sanchez, Reporting Over 40 lawyers from Belize, the United States, United Kingdom and the Caribbean have come together […]

Cultural Heritage takes top carnival prize

It has to be the most eagerly anticipated event of the entire September celebrations calendar…and this year Carnival 2000 lived up to its growing reputation. On Saturday I was out on the boulevard along with what seemed like the entire population of Belize City. Jacqueline Woods, Reporting Despite the heat of the day, thousands of […]

Dance contest seeks entries

As festivities for the month continue, the September Celebrations Committee is sponsoring a competition featuring local dances at the City Centre. Celebrations coordinator Glenn Tillett says that there’s some good fortune awaiting the winners. Glenn Tillett, Coordinator September Celebrations Committee “We have a dance contest Friday night. The first prize is for couples and group […]

Belizeans to put on show at Miami mall

While Belizeans at home prepare to party at the Barracks, those living in Miami will be doing their thing at the mall. “A touch of Belize 2000″…a first ever exposition promoting the country, will be held on September 16th at the upscale Aventura Mall. Headed by Teddy Gonzalez, the event is designed to promote tourism […]

Yabra wins BFL opening marathon

Good evening I’m James Adderly and you’re right on time for this fresh serving of Sports Monday. The BFL kicked off the 2000 football season with the 12-team marathon package Sunday at the MCC Grounds. It would have been a more entertaining for fans had the league utilized a real public address system in between […]

Broadcast Auth. recommends TV license for Krem

With only a week to go before the opening ceremonies the main issue facing the Belizean broadcasting media has been the controversy over the Olympics. But while the games have dominated the headlines, a more significant event took place quietly on Thursday afternoon. Sources close to the Belize Broadcasting Authority have confirmed reports in Amandala […]

Mesoamerican Biological Corridor project launched

Biodiversity is a big word that basically refers to the preservation of as wide a variety of plants and animals as possible. This morning a project was officially launched in which Belize will work together with Mexico and Central America to make regional biodiversity a part of each country’s national policy. Oswaldo Sabido, National Coordinator, […]

WWF sponsors biodiversity media campaign

The World Wildlife Fund-Central America is working in synch with the Meso-American Biological Corridor Programme, and today WWF launched a media campaign to promote public awareness of the project. The effort will include radio and television ads to be broadcast all over the world. Steve Gretzinger WWF-Central America “To comply with our personal responsibility to […]