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Home » November, 2006 You are currently browsing entries posted in: November, 2006

Elderly, caregivers learn to provide better medical services

Whether you fit the definition of a senior citizen or are responsible for an ageing parent or relative, the prospect of providing medical care to the elderly has to be a matter of concern. Today I found out just what we can do to make that task easier and more effective. Jacqueline Godwin, Reporting These […]

Mexican singers serenade Belizeans

Voz En Punto is regarded as one of Mexico’s most talented vocal ensembles and for two consecutive nights the group will be performing in Belize. The concerts, dubbed Mexico a Capella, promise to display the artistic energy of the Mexican culture. This evening the five member group arrived in the country and I caught up […]

Two wounded, suspect arrested in City shooting spree

The best thing that could be said about a shooting spree this weekend in Belize City is that nobody was killed and a suspect has been arrested. Otherwise it was a pretty scary piece of work. Jacqueline Godwin, Reporting Exactly what caused twenty-seven year old Jason Williams better known as ?soup? and two other young […]

Jealousy is motive in Teakettle Murder

Twenty-seven year old Henry Rodriguez had only relocated to Teakettle Village five days ago when police say he was stabbed in the chest and killed. Authorities say their investigation reveals that shortly after Rodriguez moved to the Cayo District he met and began dating a young lady from the village. Police say early Saturday morning […]

One dead in Western Highway accident

One man is dead and several others injured after the vehicle they were travelling in overturned on the Western Highway. Police say the tragic accident occurred before three Saturday morning between miles forty-five and forty-six when the driver of the vehicle, Jerry Moro of Camalote Village, lost control of the Mazda pickup. In the pan […]

International Fisheries meeting seeks resource conservation

Traditionally, fish stories tend to be about the big one that got away … but the story being told today by scientists around the globe is that if we don’t take action soon, there won’t be any fish left to tell stories about. News Five’s Janelle Chanona reports from the Princess Hotel. Janelle Chanona, Reporting […]

Rapist sentenced to 12 years in prison

On Friday he was found guilty of Rape, Aggravated Burglary, Aggravated Assault, and Threat of Death … and tonight justice was meted out to Kent Francis. Before he learned his fate, Francis spoke from the dock saying (quote) “I apologise if I have done any harm or anything to anybody. I am a family man […]

Another accused murderer hears “nolle prosequi”

Nolle prosequi is a term we rarely used to hear, let alone understand … but lately it seems those Latin words are about to become part of the Kriol language. And tonight we’ll use it again. The case involves Darwin Mendez, charged with the 2003 murder of San Ignacio security guard Abelino Choc. According to […]

E.I.A. completed for new cruise port

A few years back it was a topic of major controversy but the issue of a new cruise terminal on Belize City’s south side has receded in the public consciousness as numerous promises of construction activity have failed to materialise. That may be changing however as some of the regulatory hurdles facing the project are […]

Mennonite documentary premiers in Spanish Lookout

It is a community in which television is not always welcome … but that did not stop several hundred residents of Spanish Lookout from attending the premier of a video documentary on the Mennonites of Belize. The fifty-four minute presentation, a co-production between Channel Five and Trinidadian writer/director Bruce Paddington, features interviews and scenes from […]

Positive Vibes takes over where F.M. 2000 left off

If you’ve been following the full page ads in the Belize Times you’d know that a week from today a new radio station will be coming on the air. Dubbed “Positive Vibes,” the outlet will be the electronic mouthpiece of the People’s United Party and will go head to head–especially in the morning talk show […]

Habitat hands over keys to 44th house

Today, Habitat for Humanity handed over the keys for their forty-fourth house in Belize. The lucky homeowner is Elphrine Elejio, a resident of Mahogany Street Extension. During brief handing over ceremonies this afternoon, Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of National Development, Hugh O’Brien, had the honour of giving the Elejio family their keys. As […]

Light failure kills football play-offs in Cayo

Good evening. I?m James Adderley, and certainly we?re glad you could join us for this dish of Sports Monday. With Wagiya of Dangriga already into the Regent Cup finals, Hankook Verdes hosted F.C. Belize inside the Norman Broaster Stadium yesterday for game two of this semi-final home and away series. In today?s ballgame somebody has […]

Wrongly accused, Belizean spends a week in U.S. jail

For most Belizeans, travelling to the U.S.A., even with a pure heart and a valid visa, can be an intimidating experience … and since September eleventh, 2001 it has–quite understandingly–become more so. But picture yourself about to display your passport to the U.S. immigration officer at the airport. You’re nervous but not worried, because you’ve […]

Another primary school hit by burglars

Another Belize City primary school has been broken into. This time it was the turn of Saint Luke Methodist on Mahogany Street. According to police, the thieves took seven hundred dollars in cash and eight cell phones being held for students. They entered by prying out a set of burglar bars and breaking an aluminium […]

Housekeeper arrested for stealing employer?s jewellery

Allegations of theft against hired housekeepers are not unusual but it is rare that evidence is found to confirm the suspicion. In this case thirty-five year old Dawn Myers has some questions to answer, as when her employer noticed a gold chain and set of earrings missing from her home, she made the rounds of […]

Jury convicts rapist; sentencing set for Monday

With all the acquittals, withdrawals and nolle prosequis in recent sexual assault cases, it comes as almost a shock to learn that a rapist has actually been convicted. He is forty-five year old Kent Francis of Belize City. This afternoon a jury of four men and five women found him guilty of Rape, Aggravated Burglary, […]

B.D.F. recruits honoured at passing out ceremony

The Belize Defence Force has sixty-two new soldiers. News Five was at their passing out ceremony this morning at Price Barracks and here are some sights and sounds. Cordel Hyde, Minister of Defence ?Today marks a special occasion, sixty-two young men and women have endured the rigors of training and have become men and women […]

Government seeking to overhaul petroleum taxation

While Johnny Briceño addressed the soldiers in his role as Deputy Prime Minister, he put on his Minister of Natural Resources hat to comment on the oil situation. Viewers may recall that several months ago government raised the income tax on profits from petroleum exploration from twenty-five to forty percent. At the time the directors […]

Briceño reacts to poll; says P.U.P. will bounce back

And while he was in front of the microphone we couldn’t help but ask the Deputy Leader of the People’s United Party his reaction to the latest public opinion poll by SPEAR. Johnny Briceño ?Certainly, the polls we need to give it serious consideration. We cannot dismiss it. What is important for us as a […]

Heavy rains cause flooding throughout city

On yesterday’s newscast we looked at problems caused by rain in the Belama Phase Four area of Belize City … but those obstacles were minor compared to the situation News Five’s Jacqueline Godwin found this morning following a night of heavy precipitation. Jacqueline Godwin, Reporting Belize City was inundated after three inches of rainfall fell […]

Doctors focus on diagnosing developmental disorders

In years gone by youngsters who fell behind in school were officially classified as “slow learners.” A less sensitive term often applied in Belize was “duncey.” But doctors and educators worldwide have learned that the roots of childhood learning problems go much deeper than simple labels. News Five’s Kendra Griffith reports. Francisca Tzalam Ch?oc, Toledo, […]

Latest statistics not encouraging, says AIDS ambassador

Statistics on HIV and AIDS for the third quarter of this year have health officials concerned that more than twenty years after first detecting the deadly virus, Belizeans are still not getting the message. The problem is not only that a growing proportion of those being tested are coming up positive, but that not enough […]

Floods bring out worst in squatter settlement

It’s not uncommon during the rainy season for us to run a story on flooding in Belize City, usually in the Belama Phase Three area. Today is no different except that we’ve shifted focus slightly to the developing neighbourhood of Belama Four. The problems I discovered there are more serious than high water. Jacqueline Godwin, […]

Two charged with city burglaries

Police have arrested and charged a Ladyville duo for two separate robberies. According to police reports, thirty-year old Dennis Quilter and seventeen year old Kareem Arnold, both of Mitchell Estate in Ladyville, are believed to be the men responsible for burglarising the home of Ronnel Berges. Berges reported that sometime between October twenty-seventh and November […]