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Home » May, 2011 You are currently browsing entries posted in: May, 2011

Sports Guru James Adderley sums up the week in sports

Good Evening, I’m James Adderley and this is Sports Monday. As regular season in the Belize Bank Super League Tournament reached its natural conclusion over the weekend, Raymond Gentle City Boys completed its schedule by hosting Hattieville Monarchs inside the MCC Grounds yesterday. It’s a tale of 2 teams streaking in opposite direction as Hattieville […]

Prison bus flips at Mile 37, officer dies while inmates trapped

There is crisis in the transportation industry; we will have full coverage of today’s events. But we start tonight with an accident on the Northern Highway. A News Five team returning to the city was first to reach the scene of the accident near Mile thirty-seven. A van traveling to the Hattieville prison carrying thirteen […]

Protest on highway: buses block roads, while tires burn on horizon

The Belize Bus Owners Cooperative essentially shut down the highways at the crack of dawn. Students, workers and commuters could not get to their destination because buses blocked the main thoroughfares while others simply did not leave from terminals. The Belize Bus Owners Cooperative has been insisting that road service permits granted to UDP supporter, […]

Belize Bus Association President meets with P.M.

The protests were called off when the Prime Minister and the bus association sat down to dialogue. After that meeting at the P.M.’s Belize City office, the Belizean Bus Association and the Belize Bus Owners Cooperative agreed to a compromise. Thomas Shaw, President, Belizean Bus Association “He promised that he will resolve the situation and […]

Viewers mixed review about scope of G.S.U. power

Turning to the question of the week; we asked do you think that the scope of jurisdiction of the Gang Suppression Unit should be extended beyond the gangs and the city limits. That question garnered mix responses from our viewers with fifty-eight percent saying yes and forty-two percent saying no. One of the persons who […]

Source of bus controversy; West Line or transport minister?

The protest paralyzed the country for hours, testing the resolve of the government to deal with its worst national crisis. After Prime Minister Dean Barrow met with the Belize Bus Association President Thomas Shaw and the Chairman of the Belize Bus Owners Cooperative Claude Frazer at ten this morning, he had a sit down with […]

Bus operators agree to compromise and negotiate

The Chairman of BBOC, Claude Frazer did not attend this afternoon’s press conference. There was tension in the room when it appeared that the BBA had changed its position about the negotiations earlier in the day. But at the end of the conference, the BBA, BBOC and the Northern bus operators agreed to flesh out […]

Bus blockades also in Orange Walk

In the north of the country, bus operators also blocked the main thoroughfare into the City. Police descended on the highway to keep things under control. Commuters waited for hours until they were finally allowed to proceed to their destination. News Five’s Andrea Polanco covers this leg of the protest. Andrea Polanco, Reporting Over a […]

Some CSEC students affected by road blocks

The transportation crisis disrupted the C.X.C. exams that students were sitting today. Paper Two of the Social Studies were scheduled for this morning and Paper one was set for the afternoon. Despite delays the exams proceeded and according to officials about twenty to thirty students were affected. Here is how it fared off. Juan Vargas, […]

Support for bus owners from Chamber and Communication Workers Union

The bus operators are not alone in their plight and have support from many sectors. Today the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry is calling for quick resolution to the crisis and an end to what they call political cronyism in the issuance of road service permits. In the interest of the consumers, the chamber […]

México Trade Mission to Belize

The protest was not the only event of the day. A trade mission coordinated by the Mexican Business Council for Foreign Trade, Investment and Technology, ProMex and the Mexican Embassy wound up today. Representatives from six companies as well as public and private sector organizations were in Belize for two days of meetings with local […]

Jose Alpuche was called to the Bar

Jose Alpuche was called to the Bar this morning in a ceremony at the chambers of Acting Chief Justice, Samuel Awich. The motion for his acceptance was made by Attorney Michael Young and was supported by an affidavit submitted by Attorney Philip Zuniga. Alpuche graduated from the University of London in 2005 with an L.L.B.  […]

Entrepreneur sells land with forged documents

Also in court, a Buttonwood Bay resident was busted after he solicited money from three persons and used the name of the Minster of Works, Anthony Boots Martinez. Forty-three year old William Lopez approached Laura Mora, Steven Flowers and Shannet Williams on separate occasions and showed them documents, claiming that he was selling land for […]

Who will win the annual Miss Y Pageant?

The annual Miss Y Pageant is coming up this Saturday night. It’s an annual event that brings senior contestants to the stage to show that they are still vibrant and talented. The pageant also attracts a big audience each year and is a major fundraiser for the Y.W.C.A. Seven contestants have been working hard to […]

Aurelio Martinez in Concert

Aurelio Martinez is in Belize as part of his Laru Beya world tour and tonight is the first of two concerts at the Bliss Center for the Performing Arts. The Honduran born artist is following closely in the footsteps of his mentor and has dedicated his latest album to the late Andy Palacio. The tour […]

Cab driver’s assassination leads to more questions

Two persons were murdered on Wednesday; one in the City and the other miles away in the village of Teakettle in the west.  Firstly, when we left you on Wednesday, police were just processing the crime scene at Belama Phase 1 where the body of Charles Anthony Anderson was found. Anderson was murdered execution style […]

1 man shot and chopped to death while another is hospitalized

Earlier we told you about a murder in the city. Hours later, in the western village of Teakettle, a twenty-four year old man was shot in the chest and chopped on the head and arm. Shane Simplis’ family is still in shock at the brutal murder that happened when he was among a group of […]

Not Guilty for murder and manslaughter

A jury of seven women and five men went into deliberation ten minutes after midday to decide the fate of twenty-nine year old Harrison Smith, who is charged with the 2007 murder of Lionel Welcome. Four hours passed before the jurors emerged with unanimous Not Guilty verdicts for both murder and the alternative manslaughter charge. […]

Gang Suppression Unit video and version of raid on home

The pre-dawn swoop on the premises of businessman Miguel Menjivar by the Police Department’s Gang Suppression Unit on May twentieth has been the subject of controversy in the aftermath of the shootout that ensued during the operation.  Although the incident occurred a week ago, varying accounts of what transpired that morning have been ventilated. On […]

Will México cut Belize Electricity Limited for non-payment?

In mid-May at its Annual General Meeting, the Belize Electricity Limited declared that its profits had plunged by five million dollars for the 2010 financial year and that it made only three point four million dollars. At that juncture, B.E.L. declared that because of the declining profits, it has not been able to meet loan […]

Judge keeps Henry Canton in the citrus industry

A twenty-one page decision was handed down this morning by Justice Minnet Hafiz on the ongoing feud in the citrus industry over strongman Henry Canton. The Citrus Growers Association has been relentless in its efforts to oust Canton from his post as C.E.O. of Citrus Products of Belize Limited and at an extraordinary General Meeting […]

Convicted of burglary on fingerprint evidence

And in the Magistrates Court, twenty year old Elroy McKay, a Ladyville resident, was found guilty this evening for a burglary at the home of Crown Counsel Andrew Bennett. McKay broke into Bennett’s house in the Los Lagos community on August twenty-fifth, 2010 and made off with a television as well as assorted jewelry and […]

Bus operators to demonstrate in Belize City

At midday today a deadline given to the Minister of Transport expired. It has been five days since West Line took over several bus runs to the north and despite protest by rival bus operators it seems that the company, owned by Sergio Chuc, will remain a fixture on the Northern Highway.  That’s what Minister […]

U.S. Embassy gives the cops guns, armor and more

The US government stepped up to the plate today to assist in the fight against crime. Through a regional initiative which benefits Central American countries and Mexico, it today made available a sizeable donation to the police. News Five’s Jose Sanchez was on hand. Jose Sanchez, Reporting Eighty-thousand U.S. dollars of equipment were donated to […]

Feeding Program for Primary School students burglarized

The Yabra Police Community Center has been a fixture for programs designed by grass roots as well as established N.G.O.’s.  Across from the center is a police booth and on the second floor of the community center building is a police substation. Nonetheless the facility was burglarized. The center feeds dozens of children at lunchtime […]