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Home » August, 2013 You are currently browsing entries posted in: August, 2013

Machete wielding husband jailed after assaulting wife

Forty-five-year-old Wayne Welch, a taxi driver of a Rivero Street address, is tonight on remand at the Belize Central Prison after being unable to meet bail, following a charge of aggravated assault.  On August twelfth, thirty-year-old Tanya Matura reported to police that Welch, who is her common-law husband, arrived at their home shortly before one […]

Ballers for Life: Dangriga and Belize District win championships

The annual Belize Basketball Federation’s Ballers for Life Summer Camp ended last Friday with a big rally at the St. John’s College gymnasium.  The two-week camp, which was held from the seventh to the sixteenth of August, included over seven hundred young basketball enthusiasts from across the country. The boys and girls were between the […]

Crime Stats: Murder decreases while theft on the rise

There is good news coming out of the Police Department with respect to crimes. According to the figures released, major crimes are down by twelve point seven percent from January to July 2013 when compared to 2012. The release points to a significant decline in murder, from eighty-eight in 2012 to sixty-seven this year. And […]

Open Learning; unconventional learning launched at Gwen Lizarraga High

This morning, under the patronage of the University of Belize, the Ministry of Education and the Commonwealth Open Schooling Association, Open School in Belize was officially launched. It’s the first of its kind and is being implemented at Gwen Lizarraga High School. The initiative is supported by the Commonwealth of Learning and is to foster […]

Sister Cecilia Home receives diamond treatment from Diamonds International

Residents of Sister Cecilia Home for the elderly were treated to a hearty meal this afternoon through an act of charity by one Belize City company.  It was an experience that employees of Diamonds International won’t soon forget, as they took advantage of an opportunity to meet and assist the aging men and women.  News […]

Karate Summer Camp for kids

Every year at the end of summer there are a number of organizations that work to provide needy students with school supplies. It’s much anticipated and in some areas it is a vitally important community initiative. There is one such organization that is going above and beyond its social call of duty. The House of […]

Orange Walk Pastor being sought for alleged sex crimes

Orange Walk Police are tonight in search of a pastor from that municipality. They believe that he can help them get to the bottom of a sinister plot involving the church, money and sex. Preliminary investigations are revealing that Pastor Rafael Perez of Zion Ministries Assembly of God Church, in Orange Walk Town, has been […]

Residents say young women visit the pastor everyday

This morning, News Five also spoke to residents in the area of the Zion Ministries Assemblies of God Church in Orange Walk Town. They told us off camera that almost every day young women would visit the pastor at the church. They told us that when the women would go inside, Perez would close the […]

Chinese businessman detained following Wednesday night shooting in Orange Walk

A Chinese businessman from San Jose Village in the Orange Walk District has been detained after a shooting on Wednesday night. Reports are that at around six p.m. three men were at the Chinese store in San Jose drinking beers when they got into an altercation with the owner and began banging on the door. […]

Belize City Council prepares to receive newly renovated Memorial Park

The restoration of Memorial Park, a massive undertaking spearheaded by the Sustainable Tourism Project, through the Belize Tourism Board, has been completed after months of painstaking labor.  The newly renovated space will be officially opened to the public in time for the September Celebrations.  While the property is that of the Belize City Council, activities […]

Bust of Antonio Soberanis adopted for the Battlefield Park

Meanwhile, in the downtown area, finishing touches are being added to Battlefield Park, having undergone a much needed sprucing up recently.  To complete the face-lift, City Hall is in discussion with Stephen Okeke to adopt the bust of Antonio Soberanis.  Despite all the work going into the rehabilitation, public safety remains an issue for the […]

See Ability in Disability; State of the World’s Children’s Report

UNICEF Belize and its partners, BCVI and CARE Belize today officially launched its Situation Analysis of Children with Disabilities and the Situation Analysis of Blind and Visually Impaired Children. Also revealed was UNICEF’s annual State of the World’s Children’s Report. Both provides data about children with disabilities highlighting the need to break the barriers to […]

14 deserving students received scholarships

Fourteen high school and sixth form students were today awarded opportunities to pursue secondary and tertiary education through B.T.L.’s scholarship program.  The twenty-second annual Scholarship Award Ceremony was held at the Radisson this morning, where thirteen students received high school scholarships and one was awarded a sixth form bursary.  The scholarship committee, made up of […]

Hair braider taken to court after she assaults a cop

A Belize City hair braider, whom police say assaulted one of their own, was before the court this morning to answer to three criminal offenses.  Forty-three-year-old Carol Wade, of Dolphin Drive in the Faber’s Road area in Belize City, appeared before Magistrate Dale Cayetano where she was slapped with one count of aggravated assault upon […]

Fishermen charged with taking conch during closed season

A pair of Belize City fishermen, caught in the act of harvesting conch from Southern Long Caye on Wednesday, by a team of fisheries officers, was before the court today after being charged jointly with the offense of taking conch during closed season.  They are forty-four-year-old Ernesto Vasquez and forty-one-year-old Lloyd Reyes of a Conch Shell […]

She escaped stabbing charges, but will be deported to Honduras

A Honduran woman, who was picked up by police in relation to a stabbing incident during which her husband was stabbed in Belize City over the weekend, may have escaped criminal charges for that matter but ended up having to answer to immigration offenses.   Twenty-four-year-old Wendy Xiomara Membrano Ardon, a domestic of a Gibnut Street […]

Diabetes Association receives much needed donation

The Belize Diabetes Association today received twenty thousand dollars in medicine for patients in need of podiatric care.  The donation was given by Harvest Ministry, a Belizean-led religious organization operating out of the United States.  The medication, since the association cannot legally distribute the ointment, will be dispensed through several health centers and medical facilities […]

Belizean delegation wows audience at CARIFESTA 2013

Belize is being represented to the fullest in the 2013 CARIFESTA in Paramaribo, Suriname.  Despite being the smallest delegation; the jewel is showcasing Belize at its best in music, dance, theatre, visual arts, literary arts, fashion and jewelry. The participants in creative arts have been performing at various venues throughout the ten-day event. The contingent […]

Update on Belize Teams in International Sport Outings

Aside from the Belize delegation in Suriname that has been making a name for the country in its cultural and artistic form, two junior teams are representing Belize internationally in different sporting disciplines. The National U-fifteen male football team although not medaling in the CONCACAF U-fifteen Championships, made Belize proud when they were acknowledged by […]

Healthy Living: the serious problem of prostate and men.

Men don’t access healthcare as often as women do. Problems with the prostate are common with aging men. Prostate cancer is one of the top cancers affecting men in Belize. Healthy Living seeks a specialist to explain the common symptoms of possible prostate problems.   Marleni Cuellar, Reporting It seems that when most men hear […]

SATIIM withdraws injunction against Government of Belize

The expedited hearing of an application for an injunction against US Capital Energy was scheduled for this morning. SATIIM and leaders of Mayan communities bordering the Sarstoon Temash National Park had utilized every legal resource at their disposal to get the matter heard at this early date. They claim that US Capital Energy is pursuing […]

SATIIM requests expedition of substantive matter in its case against U.S. Capital

Attorney for SATIIM Eamon Courtenay is basing his argument on straightforward grounds. But, government attorney Denys Barrow says it won’t be all that straightforward, and he sees the claims in the substantive case taking this matter in all different directions.   Denys Barrow, Attorney for Government Defendants “There are some things which are emerging in […]

FECTAB joins B.T.I.A. in criticizing recent MOU for Harvest Caye mega tourism project

Since proposing the introduction of cruise tourism through public consultation back in October 2010, residents of Placencia have strongly opposed the expansion of the sector into southern Belize.  Despite an unsuccessful bid at transforming Crawl Caye into a world-class destination, Norwegian Cruise Line has been green lighted by the Government of Belize to develop nearby […]

FECTAB says only selected few will benefit from NCL project

According to David Almendarez, despite strong objection from all corners of the tourism industry and from conservationists alike, the government intends to proceed with the proposal to develop Harvest Caye.  The only ones benefiting, he says, are a select few.   David Almendarez, Executive Member, FECTAB “You’re going to turn one of your number one […]

SATIIM’s Greg Cho’c also against NCL project

In addition to the Garifuna culture which will be highlighted in the new cruise tourism package, NCL is looking at the Mayan culture as a selling point. SATIIM’s Greg Ch’oc told News Five today that discussions are ongoing on that matter, but like the Garifuna position on the matter, it is not a done deal […]