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Home » April, 2020 You are currently browsing entries posted in: April, 2020

Marked for Death, Julian Ebanks is Murdered in Bainsville, Hattieville

Julian Ebanks was shot and killed this morning in the Bainsville area of Hattieville Village. Ebanks was released from prison merely two weeks and had complained that his life was under threat. Just before six o’clock when Ebanks was returning to his house, someone from among a group of three men opened fire on him. […]

Another COVID-19 Patient Recovers; Only Ten Active Cases Remain

There is a gradual re-opening of business since according to the information from the Ministry of Health, there is containment of the corona virus and only ten cases are active. There were another round of tests conducted over the weekend on those persons who had contracted the novel coronavirus and the results show that a […]

What’s Going On with Those Test Kits?

Close to a thousand persons have been tested for COVID-19, but the Ministry of Health is running out of supplies needed to carry out those tests. In fact, there are only two weeks of testing material, including swabs and reagents, remaining in stock in Belize. Today, Doctor Marvin Manzanero confirmed that they have been having […]

COVID-19 Here to Stay; What Happens When Flu Season Comes Around?

DHS Doctor Marvin Manzanero, during this morning COVID-19 update on Open Your Eyes, said that this is only the first outbreak in Belize, which the government was able to control. While he was careful not to create panic, he says that the Ministry of Health is concerned about a possible flare up during the flu […]

Westline Layoffs Personnel Due to COVID-19

COVID-19 has the Belize economy in a chokehold and while the government struggles to breathe, a long list of businesses countrywide are forced to shut down and lay off employees. The transportation industry has been hit hard.  Bus operator, Westline, in a memo dated April twenty-fourth informed its staff of layoffs due to redundancy and […]

PM Barrow Refutes Claims of Politicization of COVID Relief

There has been constant criticism from the People’s United Party that relief aid being provided by the Barrow administration is being done through political constituencies, as opposed to organizations such as the Belize Red Cross that are capable of handling the logistics of distribution.  While the PM admitted that programmes such as Food Pantry were […]

NEMO is Under-Utilized in Providing Humanitarian Relief

Cayo South Area Representative Julius Espat also raised the issue of the Red Cross and the Belize Defense Force as part of the COVID distribution network.  He, too, had strong concerns as to why both organizations with a proven history of humanitarian aid have not been utilized in aiding government’s efforts.   Julius Espat, Area […]

PM Weighs in on Livestock Drama

The trade of livestock between Belize and Guatemala has been described as informal, but today Prime Minister Barrow flatly referred to the under-the-table industry as illegal and a business that, for all intents and purposes, can be used for money laundering.  While thousands of heads of cattle remain in the country as a result of […]

Is the P.U.P. in or Out of Bipartisan Effort to Fight COVID-19?

During his wrap up, PM Barrow went in on co-chair John Briceño and the People’s United Party, following a televised message aired by the Opposition Leader on Holy Saturday.  While the effort, according to PM Barrow was a bipartisan effort, he says that the P.U.P. can go on its own terms. Prime Minister Dean Barrow […]

Media Barred from Entering House at Start of Special Sitting

While the debate was inside the house, outside a very worrisome situation developed this morning.  On Friday, a plan was worked out among the media to pool resources so that there would be three cameras and the same number of reporters inside the House all practicing social distancing guidelines. The footage would be shared among […]

Forest Department and Partners Battle Wildfires

Bush fires have been popping up all over the country in recent days as the dry weather prevails. A few days ago, laws were put in place to fine persons starting bush fires. Recently, fires spread in the Cayo area, presenting health issues to residents as the thick smoke made it difficult to breathe.  The […]

59 Persons Arrested for S.O.E. Violations

Fifty-nine persons countrywide were arrested and charged over the weekend for breaking the State of Emergency regulations. According to Commissioner of Police Chester Williams, forty-five persons were arrested for being unable to provide reasons for movement outside the curfew period. Thirteen persons were arrested for breach of curfew. One person was arrested for operating public […]

Five Men Charged $6000 for Illegal Activities within a Wildlife Sanctuary

In addition to the arrests made at the river banks and elsewhere during the state of emergency, five persons were also arrested, charged and fined for violations of the National Protected Areas Systems Act.  On Friday, April twenty-fourth, Jose Angel Maravilla, Joaquin Ico, Florencio Choc, Elsueio Cho and Alfus Edwards, all of San Roman Village […]

Councilor Haresh Vaswani Charged for S.O.E. Violations

Orange Walk Town Councilor Haresh Vaswani and three other persons were arrested on Saturday for violating the State of Emergency regulations. According to Vaswani, he had just finished packaging food hampers to be donated and was on his way home at around five o clock in the evening when a friend offered him a ride. […]

Nigel Espat Recovers from COVID-19

He was COVID-19 patient number six and on Sunday, Cayo resident Nigel Espat became the sixth person to recover from the virus. Espat was able to breathe a sigh of relief after he received his second negative result on Sunday. Espat’s test resulted positive on April fifth and it is believed that he contracted the […]

M.O.E. Cuts Back Schools’ Subventions for April

The Ministry of Education says that the nearly non-existent revenue flow has forced it to make a difficult decision. The Ministry has decided, after a meeting with managing authorities that for April, the disbursement for most schools under the Financial Allocation System will reflect the School Services Grant only. This was communicated to chairpersons and […]

A Mysterious Drowning Outside of Hattieville

Three persons, including his stepfather, are detained for questioning in the mysterious drowning of a Hattieville resident. Twenty-two-year-old Nigel Welch, his stepfather and two others went to an eleven feet deep man-made pond near the Belize Central Prison; soon after, Welch drowned.  Those who know Welch say he did not know how to swim so […]

Sunday’s Total Lockdown Lifted

There are no new cases of the COVID 19 virus, the last reported case was twelve days ago, so on Monday, the House of Representatives will be in session in Belmopan to primarily extend the state of emergency for an additional two months. During this time restrictions will be relaxed gradually and depending on the […]

S.O.E. Curfew Remains in Effect

With the countrywide quarantine ending on Saturday, April twenty-fifth, movements of people will be permitted, but with restrictions. Businesses such as mechanic shops, banks, and certain government offices will reopen during specific hours. Pharmacies, convenience stores and markets will be allowed to function and open from eight in the morning to seven in the night. […]

Business to Reopen During Certain Hours

The two-week lockdown winds down at midnight on Saturday and according to the Attorney General Michael Peyrefitte, public transportation will resume for essential workers who will be required to travel by land, but wearing face masks. Water taxis can also function but only for essential services and we are not yet allowed to go to […]

P.U.P. Supports Extended State of Emergency for 30 Days

This Monday, a House meeting will be held to get approval for an extension of sixty days to the State of Emergency. But it does not mean that the shutdown will continue until then; it means that during that period, relaxation of certain measures will take place until there is all clear. In fact, the […]

The COVID-19 Situation in Quintana Roo, Mexico

A panoramic snapshot of the COVID-19 situation in the neighbouring state of Quintana Roo shows a growing number of cases but in the community nearest to Belize, the numbers are not as high. As of today, seven hundred and thirty-seven persons overall have tested negative for the deadly disease. Five hundred and eleven persons resulted […]

Belizean Businessman Accused of Meddling in Hong Kong Affairs

Chinese national Lee Henley Hu Xiang, who holds Belizean citizenship, remains locked up in China and the Chinese government has indicated that it will prosecute Xiang. He is accused of providing funds to “meddle” in Hong Kong affairs. Al Jazeera and news outlets from Hong Kong say that investigations by the national security agency confirmed […]

Global Oil Prices and the Cost of Fuel in Belize

Prices for crude oil on the international market plunged dramatically to historic lows, setting off expectations that the savings will be passed on to consumers here. The state of emergency has restricted travel and movements so consumers have been using less fuel. Finally, a break comes tonight at midnight and Belizeans will feel a little […]

I.C.J. Extends Filing Dates for Belize/Guatemala Territorial Claim

On Wednesday, the International Court of Justice held its first ever virtual plenary meeting. It required the president and the registrar to be available in the deliberation room of the Peace Palace in The Hague, while the remaining members of the court participated via videoconference. In that sitting, the I.C.J. considered pending judicial matters and […]