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Home » March, 2019 You are currently browsing entries posted in: March, 2019

Man is Killed in P.G.; Friend of Accused Murderer Perishes in Accident

Two persons lost their lives in Punta Gorda on Wednesday. One was murdered; eighteen-year old Luis Cabrera Junior was stabbed to death while at a bar. It is believed the violence was triggered by jealousy since the victim was friendly with a female who works at Dahanny’s Bar. But in a twist of events, one […]

A San Pedrano is Butchered Overnight Near DFC Area

There was also an overnight murder in San Pedro. A nineteen-year-old resident was out with friends and sometime after three o’clock this morning after leaving his friends in the DFC area, he was stabbed to death. Surveillance footage shows that he was walking alone when he was ambushed.  Horace Cadle Junior lived on the island […]

16-Year-Old Student Ran Over by Bus

Back to Punta Gorda where a sixteen-year-old student of Forest Home was injured in a traffic accident. Evalenda Pau is in a critical condition at the K.H.M.H. after she was reportedly run over by a bus at around nine o’clock this morning. The bus driver was reserving onto the highway when she was knocked down. […]

Robbers Target Atlantic Restaurant

Just before eight on Wednesday night, two armed robbers held up the popular Atlantic Restaurant located on miles three and half on the Philip Goldson Highway. While the thieves managed to get away with a small amount of money, the situation was dangerous because a number of patrons were inside the restaurant purchasing food. Fortunately […]

Evan Neal’s Boat Found; Neal and Employee are Still Missing

It’s been two months since Evan Neal and his employee, Anthony Reneau, went missing off an island. Today police confirmed they have recovered one of the boats that belonged to Neal. On Wednesday, patrol team discovered the vessel and another boat among some mangroves. There was nothing onboard to provide police with a picture of […]

2 More Witnesses Testify in Mason Murder Trial

The trial of William ‘Danny’ Mason and four other men who have been indicted along with him for the murder Pastor Llewellyn Lucas, continued today before Justice Antoinette Moore.  Taking the stand this morning was vehicle mechanic Eliasar Pineda.  The automotive technician testified to receiving a call from an officer on the scene where Mason’s […]

New Details about Drug Plane that Made Stops in Belize and Crash Landed near Chetumal

There are new details in connection with a Colombian drug plane, allegedly bound for the U.S., but which crash landed about fifty-five miles south of Chetumal in San Pedro Peralta, Quintana Roo. According to Riviera Maya News, residents of the small town heard when the Cessna-type plane crashed into the jungle shortly before midnight on […]

OW Stabbing Victim Remains Critical; Still No Identity

Police say they still haven’t identified a man who was stabbed and left for dead in Orange Walk. Cops were called out to Guyana Street sometime around eight-thirty on Tuesday night where they found John Doe. Police say they do know that the man had an altercation with three other men earlier that night and […]

Robbers Hit Chino’s Bar

On Wednesday afternoon, a brazen robbery at a bar in Belmopan left one man hospitalized. Police say that two robbers posed as patrons of the establishment and then pulled out a weapon and shot the owner of Chino’s Bar.  Elder Paredes remains in a stable condition at the Western Regional Hospital. The thieves stole the […]

No Arrests for Shooting of Elderly Security Guard

On Wednesday night you heard the story of a sixty-four-year-old security guard who was attacked as he stood watch at Prosser Fertilizers at mile eight on the George Price Highway. Today, police shared the details of what happened, but they say that it is unclear whether the business was the target or if the assailants […]

Minor Charged with Wounding after He Lassoed another Student

Police say a fourteen-year-old boy was charged with wounding after he lassoed another student and dragged him along a walkway and onto a field.  The victim received extensive abrasions to the lower body. The incident happened on Tuesday afternoon between the two young boys who are from high schools in Belmopan. Police say that they […]

Baby Rhynaye Died of Multiple Organ Failure

An autopsy on the body of one-month-old baby girl, Rhynaye Alexandra Rowland, was conducted this afternoon. According to the mother, Simbiat Garnett, baby Rhynaye’s cause of death was established to be multiple organ failure. The baby girl died at around three o’clock on Monday evening at her Belize City home. Garnett says that when she […]

Accused Murderer Gets Bail

Twenty-nine-year-old Kashawn Gentle also known as Cassian Gentle-Bennett    is presently on Supreme Court bail for murder. But the murder suspect managed to slip through the cracks and was granted another bail for the criminal offense of possession of a controlled drug. Police searched his Caesar Ridge home two days ago and found him in possession […]

B.E.L.’s Plan to Connect Caye Caulker to National Electricity Grid

Caye Caulker is a top tourism destination for visitors who enjoy the charm and sleepiness of the village. But the island is not powered through the national grid and instead relies on generators for electricity.  Today, the Belize Electricity Limited took the media to the island where it showed how it intends to use submarine […]

The Human Rights Commission of Belize Reacts to Allegations of Human Rights Abuses

A recent report is critical of the human rights situation in Belize especially as it relates to the Ministry of National Security. Today, the Vice President of the Human Rights Commission, Kevin Arthurs, broke down the areas of human rights abuses and corruption. Arthurs says these cases can’t be simply swept under the rug. News […]

BIFSA Comes Out in Support of G.O.B.

The Belize International Financial Services Association, BIFSA, has issued a release supporting government’s position in rejecting the country’s inclusion on the EU’s list of Non-cooperative Jurisdictions for Tax Purposes.  BIFSA notes that while Belize may not be a large player in the international financial services sector, it met the deadline set by the OECD’s Forum […]

Guats Sound Off on Belize’s I.C.J. Referendum

In less than a month, Belizeans will go to the polls to vote in the I.C.J. Referendum. For some, the vote is a straight yes or no, but many are still undecided and others are overwhelmed with the volumes of information and politicizing of the issue. Our correspondent Aurelio Sho was in Peten, Guatemala last […]

Broccoli & Cauliflower to be Imported

The Ministry of Agriculture says the importation of a quantity of broccoli and cauliflower will be allowed later this month through the Belize Marketing and Development Corporation. According to a release, this is because production of the seasonal vegetables is at fifty percent at this time of the year.  The weekly demand for cauliflower is […]

Healthy Living: Natural Sleep Aid

We all know it is important to get enough sleep every night. Consistent quality sleep has been proven to improve brain function and productivity, help with regulating your weight, reduce your risk for heart disease and stroke and even depression. All good reasons enough to get to bed earlier tonight and invest in some quality […]