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Opposition Leader Encourages ALL to Come Out and Vote

It is elections eve and political parties are tightening up screws in their machinery for THE DAY. News Five will be broadcasting for Decision 2020 starting at six o’clock on Wednesday morning, providing up to the minute and accurate information until it is known who will be the next prime minister of Belize. We will […]

Flooding May Prevent Voters from Heading to the Polls

As the flood waters recede in the Cayo, communities in Belize River Valley are experiencing flooding. Opposition Leader John Briceño says that the flooding can be a reason why voter turnout could possibly be lower compared to the last general elections in November 2015.   John Briceño, Leader, P.U.P. “Moving on to the issue of […]

Getting Out All Voters on Election Day

Just before news time, we were able to connect with U.D.P. Party Leader Patrick Faber. He says that the U.D.P. is poised for a victory at the polls on Wednesday, after having spoken with all thirty candidates earlier to ensure that they are prepared for the general elections.  The mobilization of voters during the COVID-19 […]

Opposition Leader Expecting High Voter Turnout for P.U.P.

There are a little over one hundred and eighty two registered voters across all thirty-one constituencies. Not everyone will come out and vote and Briceño was anticipating that there would be an eighty percent voter turnout. That was before the floods in the west and Belize River Valley. The P.U.P. leader believes that the percentage […]

Briceño Says he Will Re-Open the Free Zone in time for Christmas

According to Briceño, if he becomes the next Prime Minister several things will change, especially as it relates to the COVID-19 restrictions. He says that there must be greater relaxations and he is promising to re-open the Corozal Free Zone in time for Christmas.   John Briceño, Leader, P.U.P. “There is going to be jubilation […]

John Briceño Ready to be Prime Minister

And Briceño says that he is ready to become the next Prime Minister of Belize. If he does, he will make history as the first Prime Minister from the north. He says that for the past five years his party has been on the path of reform and unity and that the party’s campaign has […]

Will A Different Campaign Strategy for the UDP Prove Effective?

The United Democratic Party’s campaign strategy heading into the national vote is focused primarily on providing assistance to voters and their families who have been adversely affected by COVID-19. The U.D.P. has concentrated its campaign funds on providing pantry assistance across the country. The People’s United Party propaganda is more prominent with signs and campaign […]

Faber Addresses Vile Text Messages and Nude Photo

On Saturday afternoon, almost immediately following the prime minister’s virtual press conference, social media lit up with text messages purportedly sent by U.D.P. leader Patrick Faber.  If those messages were not vile enough, they were quickly followed by a nude photo of Faber, accompanied by sexual allegations made against him in his ministerial capacity. The […]

A Poll of the People on the Eve of General Elections 2020

Polls are set to open at seven a.m., across the country for electors to cast their vote in this important election. Eighty-eight candidates are contesting the general election – thirty-one each from the major political parties, the P.U.P. and the U.D.P., and then another thirty are scattered among third parties the B.P.P. and the B.F.P. […]

Shady Activities at Lands Department on Election Eve

During the media press briefing with Opposition Leader John Briceño this afternoon, Briceño was asked about the late night activities at the Lands Department in Belmopan. Video shows the Land Department opened after nine o’clock with sightings of U.D.P. politicians inside the compound. Briceño says that this is alarming and if the P.U.P. forms the […]

Benque Viejo Man says Lands Department Gave Away His Niece’s Land

In the days leading up to the elections, land grabs are being reported everywhere. Benque Viejo resident Miguel Balona says that his niece’s private property was taken away from her and given to another owner by the Lands Department. Balona says that he found out while he was carrying out maintenance on the land. He […]

Crooked Tree Causeway Flooding; Residents Brace for Higher Water Levels

Turning to the floods, water levels are now rising in the area of Crooked Tree in the Belize District and by noon today, the village looked like an island with water all around. The Crooked Tree Lagoon is overflowing so the water is seeping into homes. Sections of the causeway have washed away and it […]

Valley of Peace resident recounts flooding experience

On Monday night we showed you the plight of the Valley of Peace farmers – where thousands of plants were flatted by flood waters. The flood also affected a resident who lives near the farmlands and he lost all his belongings. Steven Vansickel has been living in the area for about five years and on […]

Polling Station in Calla Creek is Reassigned

Chief Elections Officer Josephine Tamai announced earlier today that voters in Polling Area Eighty-five which includes Calla Creek, will cast their ballots at Iglesias de Dios Seventh Day Adventist Church since the initial polling station at Holy Cross R.C. School has been reassigned due to the recent flooding.  According to Tamai, it is the only […]

An Appeal to the Voting Public Ahead of Election Day

Participating in the general elections during COVID times will be a historic first for everyone, including voters and logisticians.  While the public officers assigned to administer the process have been adequately prepared, the Chief Elections Officers is urging the public to take all precautionary measures to ensure that they are equally protected and that all […]

Counting Ballots Should be Fairly Quick

So how efficient will the counting process be once polls are closed at six o’clock?  In Belize City, it is expected that the turnaround time for the counting of ballots will be fairly quick, however, in areas that are presently inundated the transportation of ballots once polls are closed will delay the counting process.  One […]

Gillnets are banned in Belize! Oceana Belize celebrates!

Last week Friday, the Government announced a ban on gillnets. It’s a historic and major accomplishment for the conservation community and those whose livelihoods are impacted by gillnetting.  With the signing of the Statutory Instrument, it is now illegal to possess and use gillnets in Belize’s waters. This announcement follows years of consultations and petitioning. […]

$2 Mill for Gillnetters to transition!

So, what happens now to the gillnetters who are surrendering their gears? The Coalition for Sustainable Fisheries says that they have been working with the eighty-three licensed gill net fishers for over a year to help them transition to more sustainable forms of fishing or to seek alternative livelihoods. A part of the ban is […]

120 Healthcare Workers Exposed to COVID-19

Fifty four new cases of COVID-19 were identified on Monday. Majority of those cases were confirmed in the Belize District with twenty eight cases and the Orange Walk District with fourteen cases. An addition COVID-19 related death was reported on Monday. It is a female in her sixties. She is from Orange Walk and died […]

COVID-19 and Pregnancy

Doctor Manzanero also spoke on the number of pregnant women who are COVID-19 positive. She says that of the seventy-one pregnant women who are COVID-19 positive, twenty six have had successful deliveries.   Dr. Marvin Manzanero, Director of Health Services “In terms of pregnancy and COVID because we cannot forget that there are many other […]

Hot on the Cayo Central Campaign Trail

The United Democratic Party’s Rene Montero is seeking a fourth term in Cayo Central. Montero previously served as Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries and most recently as the Minister of Works. He is being challenged by a new comer Alex Balona of the People’s United Party. Cayo Central has long been dubbed a U.D.P. strong […]

Toledo East features two mass parties and one independent!

And we turn now to the deep south – last week you saw Toledo West Constituency with Oscar Requena and Doctor Simeon Coc. Tonight, some twelve hours to go before polls are opened, we take a look at Toledo East where three candidates are contesting the division from the U.D.P., P.U.P. and an Independent. The […]

Who will Win the seat in Belmopan? We speak with two of the three Candidates

In the Belmopan constituency, there are three candidates who have placed their names on the ballot. John Saldivar is hoping to keep the seat for the U.D.P. The P.U.P.’s Oscar Mira is making his first entry in national politics and has been chipping away at Saldivar’s base. Independent Candidate Anna Guy Banner is also on […]