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Home » February, 2001 You are currently browsing entries posted in: February, 2001

Mile 27 landfill site is best, says official

One of the more controversial issues dominating the nation’s environmental debate is the recommendation for a comprehensive programme to manage Belize’s solid waste–better known as garbage. Environmental officer Martin Alegria commented on a proposal to site a central sanitary landfill at mile twenty-seven on the Western Highway. Martin Alegria “Based on the technical input that […]

Hacker enters BTL website, no danger to customers

The latest daylight attack by criminal elements did not happen on Albert Street, in Yabra or St. Martin de Porres. Instead the information superhighway also known as the World Wide Web was the victim. Over the weekend, some mischievous computer users hacked into a portion of Belize Telecommunication Limited’s Internet system, just to prove they […]

Organic cacao exports help Toledo farmers

It will never rank with the massive export industries of sugar, citrus and bananas in terms of foreign exchange… but dollar for dollar, the economic impact of organic cacao on farmers in southern Belize gives new meaning to the term “cash crop.” Jose Sanchez reports from Punta Gorda. Jose Sanchez “There are many Mayan communities […]

Bus crushes bike rider in Belize City

It was a weekend of carnage on the nation’s highways with no less than four people dead in accidents involving motor vehicles. The most recent occurred today at around seven forty-five A.M. in Belize City. News 5’s Ann-Marie Williams arrived on the scene to find the victim’s body still lying in the street. Ann-Marie Williams […]

Other motor accidents kill three

On Friday another man was killed by a motor vehicle, this time in Orange Walk. Sixty-five year old Guatemalan Ricardo Arriaga was knocked down around six-fifteen in the evening near mile forty-nine on the Northern Highway and was pronounced dead on arrival at Orange Walk Hospital. Twenty-eight year old Carlos Montalvo, the driver of the […]

More guns missing–this time from BDF

Last week it was the police, this week it’s the Belize Defence Force that faces some tough questions on its weapons policy. According to a police report, the BDF is missing three M-16 rifles, which were supposed to be secured in the ammunition compound at Price Barracks in Ladyville. A number of soldiers have been […]

Suspect arrested in Dangriga shooting

Police have arrested and charged a man in connection with last month’s robbery and shooting of a Dangriga shopkeeper. Eighteen year-old Alvin Sabal has been accused in the January twenty-sixth assault on businessman Kyu Huan, based on the testimony of an eyewitness who picked Sabal out of an I.D. parade. Police are still looking for […]

All Saints School plagued by break-ins

While crime often dominates the local news, by no means do we, or other news outlets anywhere in the world, report every single infraction of the law. For example, numerous houses and vehicles are broken into every day around the country that are not considered important enough to mention. But when the same place is […]

Ham radio operator wins award

A seventeen year-old student from Edward P. Yorke High School has received an award from the U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami, Florida. Darnell Cooper has been fooling around with ham radios for three years, but during hurricane Keith his hobby suddenly became serious when he found himself communicating regularly between the Meteorological Office and […]

Cayo farmers grow bumper crop of potatoes

Those cool nights over the last month were not just good for getting a sound night’s sleep. They also helped produce a bumper crop of potatoes. Speaking at a ceremony at Seven Miles community on the Mountain Pine Ridge Road, Agricultural Minister Dan Silva announced that imports of potatoes will no longer be needed as […]

Palacio shines for Celtics

Good evening I’m James Adderley and you’re locked into that busy frequency called Sports Monday. After it’s first regular season loss last week, Juventus of Orange Walk rolled into town yesterday at the behest of Acros of Belize City, team with a suspect record despite its playoff ambitions. We open to Danny Diego’s Belize City […]

Two young murder victims buried in Belize City

The gunfire which reverberated through the St. Martin’s area on Monday was still echoing through the city today, as two innocent children were buried long before their time. In one solemn ceremony, the students of St. Luke Methodist School this afternoon laid to rest one of their own. The hour-long service conducted by lay minister […]

Streetwise youths seek jobs

While the community tries to figure out how to deal with the senseless deaths and related violence, on last night’s “One on One” show, host Dickie Bradley asked a number of urban combat veterans for their take on the situation. According to Randy Petillo, the lack of jobs and impatience of youth makes for a […]

Talks in Guatemala open Monday

On Monday morning talks between Belize and Guatemala will open in Washington, D.C. Under the agreement signed in Miami on January seventeenth, the new round of negotiations, to be held at OAS headquarters, will for the first time deal with the substantive matter of Guatemala’s territorial claim. Just how far the parties will travel down […]

Village water systems inaugurated in Toledo

Three villages in the Toledo District are the proud owners of new community water systems. The water systems for San Vicente, Jacintoville and San Marcos, all inaugurated by Prime Minister Said Musa on Wednesday, were constructed at a cost of just under two hundred thousand dollars each. The government of Belize, through the Social Investment […]

Belizean and U.S. educators meet in Cayo

In San Ignacio over fifty Belizean and U.S. educators are gathering for the biannual meeting of the Consortium for Belize Educational Cooperation, COBEC. The Belizeans, representing the nation’s tertiary level institutions, are exchanging ideas with counterparts from seven U.S. universities on how the two countries can cooperate in the field of education. The meeting, hosted […]

District council implements school reforms

Earlier this week Cabinet announced approval of an initiative that promised major changes in the way Belizeans are educated. Today the people who will make those reforms work on the ground got together to begin the important task. Ann-Marie Williams, Reporting Part of government’s plans to reform Belize’s education system is the establishment of the […]

SCA goes the distance for disabled student

Last week we ran a story on the proud history of St. Catherine’s Academy and the dedicated work of the Sisters of Mercy. In the course of putting that report together News 5’s Jose Sanchez noticed that the tradition of going the extra distance to provide quality education was still very much alive. Jose Sanchez, […]

Lawyers seek to oust Supreme Court judge

His judicial opinions have been characterized by a tendency not to rock the boat… and successive governments have found his presence on the bench to be a comfort in times of stress. But today the opposition press broke the story of rebellion in the legal ranks. Senior counsel Lois Young Barrow, supported by a number […]

Downtown shop latest robbery victim

Police have one man detained and are looking for another in connection with a daring mid-afternoon robbery on Albert Street. Just minutes before two o’ clock, two masked men entered Juanita’s store and pulled a gun and a knife on the store’s employees. Two women employees were ordered to turn around and face the wall […]

Taximan, tourist mugged in Belize City

While much of Belize City is holding its breath in fear of a renewed round of gang violence, the more common variety of street crime is making a comeback. On Wednesday muggers did not discriminate between tourists and locals in their choice of victims. Around 4:00 in the afternoon a taxi driver, Kirk Belisle, picked […]

IDB executive directors get to know Belize

Over the last several years the Washington based Interamerican Development Bank has become the lender of choice for the Belize government’s most critical development projects. That relationship was cemented by the IDB’s rapid response in the wake of Hurricane Keith. Today a high powered team of IDB executive directors arrived in the country to see […]

Red Cross receives $100,000 from Visa

From rescue and relief after Hurricane Keith, the focus has now shifted to rehabilitation. Today, the Belize Red Cross received perhaps its largest private donation, a cool one hundred grand, thanks to Visa International. Christina Yock Kim presented the money to Delysia Goff, deputy director of the Red Cross. Goff says detailed assessment of the […]

AIDS commission maps out strategy

The problem of HIV and AIDS is never far from the consciousness of anyone involved in the field of health. But as the epidemic grows, particularly in the developing world, it is becoming clear that the deadly disease transcends the world of medicine. Today Belizeans from a variety of disciplines got together to map out […]

Co-management agreement signed for Sapodillas

With new infrastructure and increasing economic activity gradually working its way south, the focus in Toledo is also shifting towards preservation of the district’s natural resources. This morning an agreement was signed which should enhance the future of one of Toledo’s crown jewels: the Sapodilla Cayes. The memorandum of understanding, signed by the Fisheries Department […]