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Home » January, 2007 You are currently browsing entries posted in: January, 2007

Three charged for home invasion

Eighteen year old Dennis Ortega, twenty year old Sherwin Locke, and thirty year old Barrington Slusher are the three men police say entered the home of seventy-one year old Radiance Sutherland and eighty-three year old Camille Sutherland. The elderly couple were held up at gun point, assaulted, and robbed on Tuesday afternoon. This morning the […]

Case against accused human trafficker thrown out

His arrest was part of last year’s hoopla surrounding Belize’s efforts to please Uncle Sam by pursuing cases of “human trafficking.” But today Jitendra Chawla, better known as Jack Charles, is a free man. The proprietor of Xtra House had all six counts of Unlawfully Withholding Travel Documents dismissed when Magistrate Margaret Gabb upheld a […]

Crooked Tree man remanded on rape charge

Thirty-eight year old Arthur Wade, a resident of Crooked Tree Village, is cooling his heels at Hattieville prison tonight after he failed to meet bail on a Rape charge. The victim told police that around six on Monday evening, she met Wade by the village community centre and he asked her to take a short […]

Cut by her man, woman declines to press charges

Tips have been pouring in to police on the whereabouts of Belize’s most wanted, Louie Ganzie. Unfortunately, most of those tips place him in different parts of the country. Police say, however, that although he has likely shaved his dreads and beard, his face is recognisable enough that it’s only a matter of time until […]

Firemen use peace to prepare for war

We don’t want to “put mouth” on the issue, but it seems like Belize hasn’t seen as many major fires as it used to. We’re not sure if it’s good fortune or good prevention, but whatever the cause, firemen are not resting on their laurels. Jacqueline Godwin, Reporting So far it has been a relatively […]

British territories will join climate change effort

With today’s cool and rainy weather, global warming is not exactly the first thing that comes to mind, but in Belmopan researchers have been working hard to prepare us for what scientists says is the inevitable. News Five’s Kendra Griffith reports that the regional effort is about to expand its resource base. Kendra Griffith, Reporting […]

Mayor wants a piece of cruise tax for city

After riding into office on a tidal wave of popular support, the U.D.P. City Council did not take long to realise that municipal governance has less to do with glory than with dollars and cents. Since March, Mayor Zenaida Moya has been badgering the P.U.P. central government for what she claims is the city’s fair […]

Oil company stays silent on mishap at well

Belize Natural Energy is refraining from public comment regarding last week’s incident in Spanish Lookout except to say that the matter is currently the subject of an internal investigation. That was all we could get out of B.N.E. Communications Officer Daniel Gutierrez this morning, who also declined to elaborate on his employer’s apparent lack of […]

D.F.C. inquiry will resume at month

In the wake of the death of Commission Chair David Price, the investigations into the mismanagement at the Development Finance Corporation have faded into the media background. But tonight the commission appears to be headed back to the front page. Co-chairs Merlene Bailey-Martinez and Herbert Lord met on Tuesday to discuss their next move and […]

Shrimp growers: many challenges face industry

With the financially strapped Nova shrimp farm recently place under receivership, it is conceivable that over one half of the nation’s traditional shrimp production may be lost to the market. That would be a blow to an industry that was, as recently as just a few years ago, poised to become Belize’s number one foreign […]

Cabinet approves raise in minimum wage

And in another piece of economic news, Cabinet has approved the recommendation of the Wages Council for a hike in the nation’s minimum wage. The increase, to be phased in over three years, will raise the minimum wage to three dollars per hour for all workers by 2010. Currently the minimum rate for domestic workers […]

Elderly couple robbed at gunpoint

Three men have been detained by police in connection with the armed robbery of an elderly Belize City couple. Seventy-one year old Radiance Sutherland told police that around one-thirty on Tuesday afternoon she was home with her eighty-three year old husband and a family friend when a dark complexioned young man entered the house and […]

Cops arrest teens for gun theft

Two teenagers are tonight behind bars, charged with stealing two guns from a Belize City home. Fifty-seven year old Lindsay Belisle reported to police that sometime between four and six on Tuesday evening, a thief or thieves broke into his house on Mercy Lane and stole an iron safe. Inside the lock box were two […]

Woman fined after dog bites cop

A Belize City woman has been fined a hundred and fifty dollars for “Permitting an Unmuzzled Ferocious Dog to be at Large”. Thirty-seven year old Juanita Uter pled guilty to the seldom heard of offence today and has until February tenth to pay up or in default spend one month in jail. The charges against […]

Another flasher gets jail time

And speaking of strange offences, for the second time in two months, a Belize City man has been found guilty of Exposing his Person in Public. This morning Magistrate Roberto Ordonez sentenced Tibruce Street resident fifty-eight year old Robert Howard to three months in jail for the uncalled for act. According to court reports, on […]

Suspect detained for woman

On last night’s newscast we reported on the detention of a suspect in connection with the disappearance–and possible murder–of Janet Rivers Myvette. Today we are informed that the man in question–Allan Caceres of Sand Hill–has been released following two days of questioning. Myvette has been missing since December third.

Police Yabra initiative assisted by Y.F.F.

It’s a pet project of the Police Department in an area more often associated with despair than upliftment. Today that effort received a financial boost from a familiar source. Jacqueline Godwin, Reporting One year after the Yabra Community Policing Centre opened its doors to the public, the facility has been providing a number of services, […]

Oil field accident has Spanish Lookout concerned

It represents such an important part of Belize’s economic future that a government eager for new revenue has been less than strict in its enforcement of environmental regulations affecting the nation’s young petroleum industry. Today that lax attitude has been confirmed by news of an accident last week that has left many residents of Spanish […]

Senate confirms D.P.P. appointment, but still no contract

During a special sitting of the Senate on Monday at the National Assembly in Belmopan, veteran attorney Lutchman Sooknandan was approved as Belize’s new Director of Public Prosecutions. Sooknandan’s appointment is effective today, January ninth and according to Senator Esther Ayuso, was finally done according to proper procedure. Senator Esther Ayuso

Missing woman

Janet Rivers Myvette was last seen by her family over a month ago and last week they appeared on this newscast asking viewers and police to help find the fifty-six year old Belize City woman. The appeal apparently resulted in some action as today sources tell News Five that Myvette’s son-in-law has been detained for […]

Two arrested for theft from cars at stadium

It’s a situation that has plagued joggers and other fitness buffs at the Marion Jones Sporting Complex for years: vehicle break-ins. But tonight there is some good news to report as two men have been arrested and charged for that crime. Thirty-one year old Giovanni Lauriano and twenty-seven year old Marlon Harris have been charged […]

“G.I. Joe” convicted for robbery

Meanwhile, another man accused of stealing was today convicted and sentenced to spend the next seven years behind bars. According to court reports, this morning the case against thirty-two year old Cecil Gill, also known as “G.I. Joe”, concluded with Magistrate Dorothy Flowers finding the defendant guilty of Robbery. Gill has three previous convictions for […]

Sept. 10th: St. George

It may have come a little late for the people who make calendars but on Monday the Ministry of Home Affairs published its official list of public and bank holidays for 2007. In keeping with the trend of the last few years, some holidays falling on a Tuesday through Friday have been moved to Monday, […]

Health professionals seek ways to turn education into action

It has long been assumed that once presented with accurate knowledge, people will automatically change their behaviour. But as any haad ayz pikni can tell you, thing don’t always work out that way. This week front line personnel in the medical profession are learning how to translate education into action. Kendra Griffith, Reporting This week […]

Woman escapes death after boyfriend goes berserk with gun

In less than a month, two Belize City women have been brutally murdered. Karel Gabourel was viciously stabbed in front of her two children on Christmas Day, while on January third Keisha Sutherland was violently perforated by fifteen knife wounds. In both instances, the accused attackers were the victim’s spouse. Over the weekend, a third […]