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Ashantie Carr Shines at 2023 PanAm Games

A delegation of Belizean athletes is currently in Santiago Chile for the 2023 Pan American Games. Belize sent players to participate in track and field, canoe racing and sailing. Ashantie Carr represented Belize in the long jump competition. Not only did she make it in the top eight athletes to compete in the finals, she […]

What is Haitian Police Saying about Situation in Haiti?

Among those in Belize for the regional security meeting is a representative from the National Police of Haiti. As we’ve been reporting, the issue of gang violence in Haiti is volatile and Belize has agreed to send a mission to assist in the intervention being led by Kenya. At least fifty soldiers and coastguards will […]

Belizean Student Shares Earthquake Experience in Jamaica

While Belize is monitoring a possible tropical depression that can form in the eastern Caribbean Sea in the days ahead, Jamaicans are recovering from an earthquake that shook the island nation this morning.  The epicenter of the seismic activity that measured five point six on the Richter scale was located roughly ten kilometers south of […]

Pallotti’s Visually Impaired Tech Wins Gold at Regional Competition

On Friday night, we were at the airport for the arrival of the STEM team from Pallotti High School that won gold at the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Challenge in Panama. Today, the school held a motorcade for the team to celebrate the victory. We visited the high school to learn more about the all-girl […]

Former Prime Ministers Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza

Belize’s former prime ministers, Said Musa and Dean Barrow, are calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. A joint press release states, “We, the only two living former Prime Ministers of Belize, are sickened by the horrific toll in human life caused by the unspeakable, continuing tragedy in Gaza. Hamas’s killing of Israeli civilians and […]

Pallotti High School Wins Gold in Panama

A team of students from Pallotti High School returned home this evening from the 2023 Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Challenge in Panama with a gold medal. The team is comprised of Amber Wright, Alair Marin, Irian Jones and Osyani Magana. They won first place for their innovative creation called “Smartz”, a pair of glasses and […]

MOESCT Gives Pallotti Gold Medalists A Warm Welcome Home

We also heard from Namrita Balani, the Director of Science and Technology at the Ministry of Education, who was one of the main organizers behind the event for Belize. She told us about the process the high school went through to represent Belize in Panama. Here is what she had to say.   Namarita Balani, […]

Non-Maya Village Leaders Hold Press Conference in Belize City

Today, the National Kriol Council hosted a press conference at Swift Hall in Belize City. It brought together community leaders from Yemeri Grove and other non-Maya, villages in Toledo to discuss the issue of land disputes in the south. The National Kriol Council, as an interested party, has been observing this issue as it unfolds. […]

Israel-Gaza Conflict Addressed During Senate Sitting

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Eamon Courtenay, opened today’s sitting of the Senate by reasserting the Government of Belize’s position on the Israel-Gaza conflict in the Middle East that has left thousands dead. In his remarks, Minister Courtenay addressed the October seventh Hamas terrorist attack on Israel. He also touched on Israel’s response to the attack, […]

Deputy Prime Minister Builds Case for Venezuela and Cuba at Migration Summit

Deputy Prime Minister, Cordel Hyde, is in Mexico for a regional summit on migration. Leaders from ten countries convened at what has been titled “A meeting for a fraternal and well-being neighborhood” summit.  The gathering was organized to address the root causes of migration. On Wednesday, Hyde addressed the summit and raised issues with the […]

High-level Government Delegation Meets with Cruise Stakeholders in Miami

A delegation of as many as six government officials, including Prime Minister John Briceño, Tourism Minister Anthony Mahler, Foreign Minister Eamon Courtenay and Belize City Mayor Bernard Wagner traveled to Miami on Thursday where meetings were held with the Florida Caribbean Cruise Association.  The importance of the discussions was to address issues pertaining to the […]

Portico was not Discussed at FCCA Miami Meeting

The meeting between the Briceño administration and the executives of the F.C.C.A. also served to reiterate the urgent need for a berthing facility to be constructed in Belize.  Tourism stakeholders, including the respective cruise lines, have been clamoring for a berthing facility to be built, as the industry transitions away from tendering.  According to C.E.O. […]

Mayor Wagner Also Attends FCCA Meetings

As we mentioned earlier, Belize City Mayor Bernard Wagner was also part of the delegation that met with the F.C.C.A.  But what was his role and purpose for attending the sessions?  According to C.E.O. Solano, cruise tourism arrivals come ashore in Belize City.   Nicole Usher-Solano, C.E.O., Ministry of Tourism “Right now the lines do […]

Japan Donates Two Ambulances to Ministry of Health and Wellness

A grant contract signing ceremony was held today at the Vaccination Unit on the Western Regional Hospital compound in Belmopan. Through partnership with the Embassy of Japan and the Pan American Health Organization, Belize was the recipient of two ambulances to add to its fleet. While the ceremony held today was more for formality, the […]

Israel Ambassador to CARICOM Holds Press Conference

On Wednesday, Itai Bardov, the Ambassador of Israel to CARICOM, hosted a virtual press conference to speak with reporters about Israel’s defense against Hamas terrorist attacks and the country’s operation “Iron Sword”. The ambassador explained that after Israel disengaged from Gaza in 2005, his nation was applauded by international communities. He asserted that Hamas is […]

Israel Denies Responsibility for Hospital Attack in Gaza

The latest tragedy in the conflict that has sent shockwaves across the international community was the destruction of a hospital in Gaza. Both Hamas and Israel deny responsibility for the deadly hospital bombing that killed hundreds. The countries are trading blame and Ambassador Bardov contends that Israel has evidence to show that they were not […]

Junior Finance Minister Discusses World Bank Loans

On Monday, Minister of State Chris Coye held a press conference to apprise the media of developments arising from a round of meetings held with the World Bank Group, including the likelihood of Belize being able to access concessionary loans through the International Investment Association.  Here’s more from that discussion.   Christopher Coye, Minister of […]

ComPol Chester Williams Attends the IACP 2023 Conference, Expo

The International Association of Chiefs of Police is holding its annual conference and expo in San Diego, California and Commissioner of Police Chester Williams is in attendance. The I.A.C.P. 2023 is described as the largest and most impactful law enforcement event of the year and convenes over sixteen thousand public safety professionals who learn new […]

Korean Youths Visit Belize for Youth Exchange

There was a brief meeting today at the Marion Jones Sporting Complex between visiting youths from Korea and officials of the Ministry of Sports. The youths are in Belize on a cultural exchange program with their Belizean peers. They have planned a day of activities in Belize City and tours across the country before they […]

Team Belize Wins Silver at FIRST Global Challenge 2023

Today, Team Belize returned from Singapore as silver medallists, second only to China, after competing in the FIRST Global Challenge 2023. Team Belize was selected from over one hundred and ninety participating countries to win the Zheng Heng Award in Engineering Design Excellence. The award is given to teams whose robot exhibits excellent engineering and […]

Police Officers Willing to Go to Haiti on Security Mission

Commissioner of Police Chester Williams says he is open to the idea of also sending police officers from Belize to Haiti on the security mission being led by Kenya and the United Nations. According to ComPol Williams, several police officers have approached him to voice their willingness. So far, the conversation has been surrounding the […]

Mexico Sends Money to Belizean Farmers

Approximately two thousand farmers from across the country benefited today from ATM cards that will provide them with funds to expand their farming projects. The funds, amounting to two thousand dollars for each of the two thousand farmers, come from the Mexican government through a project called Sembrando Vida. Pantaleon Escobar is the national coordinator […]

Belizeans in Israel During Hamas-Israel Conflict

On Saturday morning, the terrorist organization Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel. Gunmen breached security barriers and over two thousand missiles were launched from Gaza. Hours after the Palestinian attack, Israel’s air force retaliated with air raids in Gaza. Over sixteen hundred people have been killed in the war during the course of the […]

Belizean in Israel Continues Tour and Prepares to Return Home

Usher and her group have since travelled further north of Israel. They have already scheduled flights to leave the country. Usher told us that many of the tourist sites are currently closed and Israeli citizens are being called to join their army reserves. And, for the remainder of their stay, her group is being updated […]

Belize Meets with International Financiers to Discuss Access to Climate Finance

A meeting took place today between officials from the Government of Belize and international financial institutions to discuss access to climate finance. Minister of State in Finance, Christopher Coye, headed an official delegation from Belize at the Caribbean Ministerial Meeting at the International Monetary Fund (I.M.F.)/World Bank Annual Meetings in Marrakech, Morocco. Coye spoke about […]