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Home » September, 2010 You are currently browsing entries posted in: September, 2010

Tropical Storm Karl visiting northern districts before dawn

When we closed our newscast on Monday night we reported that NEMO was on alert; it has now put into effect a tropical storm watch for northern Belize. Well brace up, because earlier today a large band of rains that hovered about four hundred miles east of Belize strengthened to a tropical depression and later […]

Man seeking medical attention drops dead

The lifeless body of Denval Davis was discovered sometime around five-thirty this evening in front of Dr. Osbert Usher’s Dental Clinic on Magazine Road.  The body was lying face up on the steps of the building. Unconfirmed reports are that Davis had visited the Matron Roberts Polyclinic to seek medical assistance and soon after, went […]

John Doe was killed by a blow to the head

There is very little progress on the identity of a man whose decomposed remains were discovered in a creek off the Hummingbird Highway near Red Rose Farm at mile fourteen on Monday morning.  A post mortem was conducted hours later at the scene due to the advanced state of decomposition. It certified that the skull […]

Do you support a shutdown of the business community?

A crime wave continues to grip the. The statistics are shocking, since the beginning of September there have been thirteen reported murders; in Belize City alone, seven persons have been killed in fourteen days, including an eight year old girl early on Sunday morning. The public wants urgent action to restore security in the streets. […]

Belizeans for Justice calls for countrywide shutdown

The lawlessness in the streets is unrelenting. This weekend alone, six murders were reported, but the one that touched many hearts was the slaying of an innocent eight year old school girl who was fast asleep in her house in Belize City. Most people want the madness to stop. Belizeans for Justice is one group […]

Guatemala ready to seek referendum on ICJ

In December of 2008, Belize and Guatemala signed a special agreement called a compromis.  It heralded the possibility that the border dispute between the two countries could be settled at the International Court of Justice since negotiations had failed.  Under the agreement, both countries would need to hold simultaneous referenda. Earlier this year, government officials, […]

Corozal Mayor says they are prepared for TS Karl

As we told you, Tropical Storm Karl is fast approaching the north of Belize where heavy rains and gusts are expected and can cause flooding. We spoke a short while ago to the Corozal mayor, Hilberto Campos, who is teaming up with NEMO preparing for tonight’s storm. The preparations are now in full gear and […]

Who’s Who in the P.U.P.

There will be no challenges to any of the major posts in the new executive of the opposition party. The deadline for submission of names was this past Monday and from what we know, John Briceño’s leadership will go uncontested.  In the case of the deputies, Dan Silva from the west and Francis Fonseca from […]

Small group protest Northern Regional Hospital

In Belize City, the K.H.M.H. is celebrating its fifteenth anniversary, but in Orange Walk, we found the Northern regional hospital under attack. What they didn’t have in numbers they had in energy; the small group that gathered made it clear that they want an improvement in medical services. Most of the protesters also had one […]

Epileptic man drowns

There were no murders today, but sadly there was still loss of life. A resident of Rasta Street was trying to deal with the city’s heat by going to take a swim in an area known as Old College on Monday.  Thirty-two year old Dion Young told his family he was going to the Old […]

Sixth burglar of law office busted

Police say they have the sixth suspected person who broke into the law offices of Godfrey Smith in the wee hours of last Thursday.  Today twenty-one year old Kareem Gladden, was charged with Burglary.  Gladden now joins five others who appeared in the Magistrate’s Court on Monday to face the same charge.  He pleaded not […]

K.H.M.H. has a quince años

The Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital has come under constant fire in the last year for allegations ranging from negligence to questionable purchases, mismanagement and a myriad of other wrongs. Recently, it was the dengue related deaths that brought sharp criticism to the hospital. But the K.H.M.H. is the national referral hospital and this week, it […]

CARICOM, Caribbean Policy Center, E.U. and SPEAR collaborate

The alarming crime situation is top among the social ills that the government has to prioritize. The CARICOM Secretariat, the Caribbean Policy Development Center, the European Union and SPEAR are holding consultations with the civil society organizations and representatives from government agencies. They are hoping to come up with a regional approach to take on […]

The Ultimate Duet, Watch them perform for $10,000 Live on Five

It started out with Groups A and B, each with seven duos fighting to keep their place on the country’s biggest talent competition, Duets. Eight couples have been eliminated from the race for the ten thousand dollar grand prize and tonight the two groups will merge and the six remaining contenders will put off an […]

Six weekend murders: 8 yr. Old shot while sleeping in her bed

There is no bottom to the abyss to which crime has plunged. Six persons were murdered in the weekend’s wave of terror; four in the city and two in the west. How do you top this new record? There is yet no official comment, but there is general public outrage at the carnage, and we […]

Marlon Zelaya, 17 yrs., murdered

The second minor in the weekend’s blood bath is seventeen year old Marlon Zelaya of Moya Street. The unexplained circumstances surrounding his murder have baffled residents in the St. Martin De Porres area, including his grandmother Margaret Zelaya. There are many theories for the motive behind the killing but none have been confirmed. His lifeless […]

Everett Davis, third murder in Old Capital

Shortly after Marlon Zelaya’s murder on Sunday morning, a man riding his bicycle was shot twice on Castle Street. Everett Lincoln Davis was reforming his life after doing time in prison, but in the end, gun violence caught up with the twenty-five year old. News Five’s Jose Sanchez reports on the third homicide in the […]

Apolonio Salome, 59 yrs. old, murdered

A seventy-three year old man was murdered while visiting his children in Belize City last week. While his murder remains unsolved, a sixty year old citizen was gunned down after seven on Sunday morning. Apolonio Salome left his home near the Entrance of Bird’s Isle on his bicycle to buy rice for Sunday dinner, but […]

Lyndon Mangar, murdered in Teakettle

Aside from the four homicides in the City, two additional bodies were found in the west. In Teakettle, dogs alerted a villager to a body that was found off a dirt road. The father of five children had left his Esperanza home to visit his daughter; he never made it. A single shot to his […]

John Doe murdered off Hummingbird Highway

The murder of Lyndon Mangar is not the only one that Belmopan police have to solve.  This morning another lifeless body was discovered in a creek about a mile off the Hummingbird Highway near Red Rose Farm at mile fourteen. The man, who was clad in a pair of black pants, brown boots and black […]

Lorenzo Garbutt shot in the jaw

There was more violence, but twenty year old Lorenzo Garbutt was fortunate and narrowly escaped death. Garbutt was shot at the corner of King and West Streets by one of two unidentified men who rode up next to him on bicycles. A single shot was fired and that bullet penetrated the back of Garbutt’s neck […]

Is arson the cause of the fire that burned home of Inspector Mai?

So far in the newscast we have reported on the shooting spree, but there was other mayhem in the City and elsewhere. Eleven persons were affected by fires over the weekend. In the first instance, it is believed that the house of Inspector Claudio Mai who is stationed in San Ignacio, was deliberately set on […]

Fire destroys home on Airport road

The damage was similar at a house on the Airport Road—all its contents were destroyed and just the frame of the house remained standing. But the cause of this fire was electrical. While the owner, Anita Estelle, is away, the house was occupied by Mario Sanchez and Dora Perrera, who were both at home at […]

Rash children still missing

It has been two weeks since the Rash siblings, Onelia and Benjamin, disappeared without a trace while selling lime and craboo near the village of Cattle Landing in the Toledo District.  Since then authorities in Belize and Guatemala have been working both sides of the border trying to locate them.  Despite a massive search party […]

Burglars caught on camera and plead not guilty

The office of attorney Godfrey Smith was burglarized on the eve of the tenth. Today, five men who were captured on surveillance camera were arraigned on charges of burglary. They are Fredrick Waight, Mark Alamilla, Jose Caliz, Charles Neal, and Michael Fairweather, all from Belize City. The accused appeared before Magistrate Emmerson Banner for allegedly […]